Dark Visions in the Night

"Chase?" Sarah whispered in my ear, her breath tickiling against my hair.
"Yeah?" I asked her turning my head slightly.
"I think we should leave. It feels... Wronge." She urgently talked to me but i ignored her. But i heard her voice full of panic and yet again i wondered if we should really be doing this. Maybe i should go home and ignore the girls at school. I shook my head mentally.
"You can wait in the car if you want to, but im still going in." I told her and shrugged.
Sarah hesitated before shaking her head "No". I sighed in releif glad i did not have to go in their alone.
"Im not leaving you alone." She stage whispered.
"Thanks, but we have to go quikly in and out."
She nodded and i felt her lean against me for a second before straightening back up. She leaned for strength. What we were doing was scary and if this was my first time B & E, i would be freaked out too. Because this was the scariest house in the state. Litteraly. It has a plaque and everything hanging on its walls.
But we were dared to break in the house, take pictures and take a soviener. In thought, it doesnt sound too scary, but we all know it is. But i always mask my feelings so it does not matter. Im an independent girl and Sarah is my only friend. But i had only let her in a little when my mother died, and i don't even remember why i had let her in to begin with. She told me if anything happens she told me her parents have plenty of money and room in their house, and i was free to live there for as long as i wanted.
But i can't leave my dad. He's turning into an alcholic, drinking away his misery. Its a sad thought but my father is stronge and he can get over it. My father cried the whole first week when mother dies. He didnt know i heard him, but i did. And i never told him i had not shed a tear. That would sound heartless, but im not; i just don't like to show my emotions even when im alone.
We circled around back where there was more privacy, checking the windows along the way. As we hid behind a thick bush, i began plotting to see how this might go.
1)We might get caught
2)We might see ghost
3)The house could be completly empty and we could take nothing.
4)One or both of us might get hurt...
I rambled on in my head and shook myself mentally and cursed myself for getting off task.
I stood up and edged along the side of the house, Sarah on my tail. I checked the back door and it swung open.
"We got a easy one Sarah. Its open." She smiled and sighed in releif. "So we don't have to do any damage."
She clapped softly. I almost smiled.
"Are you taking pictures?" I asked, noddingto her camera.
She shook her head. "Video."
"Even better." Smart girl, but someone might turn us in if they see it so we have to delete the evidence.
We shuffled inside and started to look for something that was small, inexpensive and would prove that we got something. Sarah kept the camera on me the whole time.
"Uhm, what about this?" Sarah held up a Jewlery box.
"Sure, i guess that works.Come in front of the camera please." She did. "Say hello. I guess then we are done."
"Hi." We both said at the same time and we giggled.
Sarah turned off the camera knowing thats what i was about to say.
I had to day something to her... "Thanks. I will make sure nobody else will see this, and after we show it to them, i will delete the video and destroy the evidence."
Sarah smiled at me. "Thanks. But that does not reassure me. Im still worry. You know me."
I nodded. "But its me. I wont let it get into the wrong hands. You trus me right?"
"Yeah, i guess."
  1. Chapter 2
    Chase getting ready for bed...
  2. New guy