To Join The Fallen Angel Army


My name is Jay-C Killon. I am turning 16 in October, a month away, on Halloween. That is when I turn into a Fallen Angel, from a Fallen Child. I am shipped off to the Fallen Angel Army on my birthday. It was unlikely that I would survive the first few days against the demons, but I would give my hardest. I start training today.
Now, I know I am jumping into everything a little too fast, and I should probably give you my background story.
I was 14 when I died; I was murdered by my neighbour. Total psycho he was. He had made it look like he was a family friend, since I was six he was over, having tea with my parents. I didn’t ever take a liking to him. Then when I was thirteen, he and my parents got into arguments, something about money. He started to invite me over, and as the days went by, the gray hairs multiplied on his head. And on my fourteenth birthday, he tried something no man ever should do to a girl. He had tried to… “make a move on me”. While I was squirming away, I had fallen on a piece of wood. It got me in the back of the neck and I immediately died with a sickening crack.
Now, nearly two years later, I sit here in my room, the other girls asleep… or what the Fallen Children do. We don’t necessarily have to sleep, we just rest our bodies. I have my sketch book in my lap, and I am drawing a Fallen Angel. Ever since I arrived, I have been dreaming of my birthday. The day I get my wings.
I suppose I should tell you what we Fallen do. When we arrive on earth, we are all assigned a Being to watch over. Not every Being gets a Fallen, only the ones who really need it. We cover all types of Beings. They range from old, to young. Fat, to skinny. Self harmers, to druggies. It really all depends on what the Being needs.
It is early morning right now, and I am just waiting for our call. I am to report to lead Fallen, her name is Christine. She is red haired, and she has glowing red wings. Usually your wings come in black, but if you end up completing your mission on earth with the Beings, your wings go the colour of your hair. It is kind of like an honour something like that.
I perk up about five minutes later when the siren goes off, alerting us all to wake up. I smile, and look out the window. We basically live in the clouds.
But oh no, it is not the nice clouds. It is really a hell zone. You would think that being up here would be happy and fluffy. No. It is really honestly black clouds and irritable people. Tiring training, and hurtful verbal abuse. How you end up here isn’t pleasant, some people wanted their life to be over. So basically, if it wasn’t really your time, you come up here. I guess God decided that my life wasn’t meant to be over yet. So he sent me here. To do something good.
I jump out of my bed, my bare feet sore. I tie on my boots, layer my eyeliner, and throw on my band tee and skinnies. I smile at myself in the mirror, and go to report to Christine.
When I open the door I am welcomed by a cold wind. It bites at my ears, and nips at the tip of my nose. Another girl comes up behind me, and I feel hands shove my back. I turn and am greeted by the jerk of the camp. Nicole. She was the meanest to me, she never ever stops. The day I got here she started threatening me, and glaring. She would take my portion of my food, saying I am skinny anyway. I would always just duck down and obey her.
I keep on walking and stand in front of the podium, waiting for Christine. Eventually all the girls, about 45 of them, are all there, waiting at the attention stance. I was ready. This was my first day down to Earth, where I can watch over my Being. My Being.
Christine flies over to the podium and lands gracefully, smiling at all of us.
“So ladies, are you all ready? Today is your first day to your future as a Fallen Angel, your future as a part of The Fallen Angel Army. I remember my first day, I was honestly scared. I thought I was going to fall and fail. But then I remembered, you can’t fail at this. You can only be last. There will be no losers, as every Being needs us. So. Are you ready to join the Fallen Angel Army?!” Christine yells out, her voice filling every one of our ears. All of us girls put our fists in the air, and scream out,
“Yes m’am!”
“Welcome Ladies.” She says, her voice triumphant.
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