Road to Hell


The Church was more friendly looking than anywhere else we'd seen in Silent Hill. I didn't feel well so it seemed like an ideal place to rest. The journey to the church was long, we thought to just head straight up a street called Lindsay Street and up to Nathan Ave, but the road was old and it had fallen apart at the end of Lindsay Street so we headed past various fast food restaurants through the middle of town and up towards St. Stella's church.

My head was pounding and I felt nauseous, passing out in the flower shop had made me remember the nightmares I'd been having recently, and it made me sick to my stomach. It was about Rhys, it was always about him. Either about him warping into some creepy monster or re-living the night that everything fell to shit, it was usually about Rhys. I didn't want to tell Shauna because she always worried about me, always had too much on her plate already so I decided to keep to myself.

She barely knew anything about what happened with Rhys, and I wanted it to stay that way.

Shauna pushed open the doors to St. Stella's Church and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that everything was relatively clean-looking and safe. We wandered in towards the altar, passing rows upon rows of pews that looked like they had seen better days. There was a door to the left of the altar, and we went through to discover a long corridor, with many doors.

"What one should we try?" Shauna said, looking at me. I felt too ill to care, so we tried the door nearest to us, but it was locked. The door after that, and the door after that was locked too. The door after that opened to reveal a small cupboard with a few energy drinks sitting on the shelf inside and a couple of magnum bullets, which we took, even though neither of us knew how to fire a gun.

The next room we entered appeared to be a first aid room of sorts. Medical shelves and equipment lined the walls, and there was a small, comfortable looking bed at one side of the room. As soon as I noticed the bed a wave of exhaustion hit me. I looked over to my twin sister who looked even more tired than I did, and suggested that she lay down for a bit.

"Sher, no, you need rest more than I do!"

I shook my head.

"Shauna, please, get some sleep and then I'll sleep after. I'm not tired yet anyway, okay?"

After a while my sister finally agreed, and drifted off to sleep for a while, leaving me to explore the room. I peeked into the cupboards to find some sort of health drink and some more ammo, which confused me because we were in a church, why would there even be ammo inside a church? But then again, why would there be a first aid room inside a church? I took the health drinks and the ammo regardless, and wandered around the room.


A few hours later I woke up with my back aching, I had fallen asleep leaning against the wall next to the bed Shauna was asleep in. I stood up, stretching, and feeling slightly refreshed, when I heard it. A static noise, getting louder and louder.

I woke Shauna up and opened the door, peering around the door frame slowly.