Status: in progress.

Royal Plums



Mia was everything I wanted to be, from the moment I saw her. If it had been perhaps two years earlier, I would have turned my head and stuck my nose up. I would have scoffed at her in disgust, and tossed my highlighted hair over my head. That’s the truth. But now? She’s glorious. I wish I could have an ounce of what she has.
See, I was kicked out of the group.
The group of long haired, pretty, blue eyed babes. But they weren’t really pretty. They all looked the same.
I wouldn’t go to their church.
It was St. Mary’s Christian Church in the middle of nowhere and I tried, I really did. But, how the hell am I supposed to go to the place where they tell me I can’t be friends with someone unless they also go to this church? It confused me, I didn’t get it. I believe in God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit but apparently that wasn’t enough for them.
So even though I looked just like them, they kicked me out.

And Marco took me in.
He was wonderful.
His dark brown eyes and dark skin reminded me of all the places I wanted to go. He was my first real friend. He saw that I was all alone, and he took me in. I was his lost kitten, he said. “Kat is my kitten,” he told everyone. I laughed and told them all to call me Katherine. They all did, except Marco. He always calls me Kat.
There’s Marco, like I said. And then there’s Cody. He’s really handsome. If it were a couple years ago, I would have thought he was gross cause his hair’s too long and he sometimes doesn’t shower for a week but God, I promise you he’s handsome as hell. Then there’s Jack. Jack’s hair is long, and sort of blond and brown mixed together. He has light green eyes and he always is playing guitar and singing. He’s very good at it. But he keeps to himself most times. Some days he’s loud and lovable and some days he just wants to sit by himself. Some days Marco has to drag him out of the house. And then there’s Jack’s little brother Craig. Craig has short hair and plays sports but he smokes an awful lot of hash. And then there’s Erica, who I think might be in love with Cody or maybe not, I’m not entirely sure. But she’s got red hair and freckles and she is always telling us about her latest acid experiences. And finally, Mia.
Mia has the sides of her head shaved, and her hair is purple plum. She’s the oldest with Cody. Mia and Cody were best friends, except Mia went to college and Cody didn’t. Mia is small, short and thin. Her eyes are big and blue. She’s so damn pretty, she’s a fairy I swear.
Marco took me in at the beginning of summer. He introduced me to everyone and they were all so nice. They smoked bongs in front of me and offered it to me but I said no, because truthfully I’m still scared. Cody offered me cigarettes too and I said no.
“Kat will get used to all of us, won’tcha?” Marco asked me, giving me a side hug. I just nodded, I was still so shy then.
I remember that first day well cause Marco took this boy who none of us knew and left for a couple hours and then came back. And then when the boy left Marco says to us, “He’s really good at giving head.” Cody gave him a high five. I just stayed quiet.

The first time Mia came around was a week after summer started. She was finally home for the summer. She said hi to me and asked me about myself. She said she liked my blond hair. I remember blushing, I just thought she was wonderful.
“Mia, it’s so nice to finally have you back from Chicago,” Cody had said. I guessed Nebraska was pretty far away from Chicago.
“It’s good to be back man, I missed you,” Mia said, and she smiled at him. She really meant it.
“Well, I just figured, since you were in college now and all and fucking random dudes, that you weren’t gonna come back to this shit place, you know?”
“I’m sorry, is me fucking random dudes any of your business.”
“You tell me.”
I couldn’t believe they were actually fighting, but no one else seemed phased, so I guessed it was okay.
“Alright Cody, come over here.”
“Why would I wanna come near you?”
“I don’t know Cody, why wouldn’t you wanna come near me?”
“Because you left us for a bunch of rich pricks and now you think you’re hot shit ‘cause you go to school in the city, and I don’t need that.”
I knew he was being rude, but I just kept looking away, my eyes on Erica and the line running down her tights.
Mia had had enough, I could see it in her eyes, in the lines of her face.
She got off the side of Marco’s bed, and walked over to where Cody was sitting. He gave her a nasty grin. One of those shit eating grins.
And then she’d really had enough. Mia grabbed Cody by the shirt collar and put her face right in his. Cody tried to get out of her grasp, but he just couldn’t. And then she took Cody’s skull in her hand and bashed it against the wall. It made an awful wet noise and Cody slid down the wall, clutching his head.
“I missed you too, Cody,” Mia said. She looked like she might spit. “Now, does anyone have a fucking cigarette?”
Jack stood up and handed her one. Then she smiled at him.
I wanted to be her so badly.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a story about my alter ego.
This is for me, and John. It's for Kelly and Charlie too. And for Jack, you get to take part in this too. I'll fucking miss you, babe. You're an angel now, right?