Say Anything

Chapter Thirteen

I walked into art class with what seemed like a permanent frown on my face. After I texted back to Derek saying that I didn’t want to talk to him, I saw his face drop. He looked over at me and his eyes seemed to be searching mine, but I just stared at him with a blank expression and quickly looked down.

He didn’t text me back after that.

“Are you okay?” Avery asked while walking up to me. I looked up at her and gave a faint smile. She was wearing a bright yellow dress with black leggings under it, and randomly cowboy boots even though it was practically freezing outside. Her style was completely random, yet corky and cool, unlike mine. I stuck with the solid colors and loose fitted clothing. But that didn’t bother me. I don’t want to stand out nor do I want to dress just to have other’s approval. I’d rather people see me for me, not what I’m wearing.

“I’m fine.” I muttered and stared at my canvas.

“No you’re not.” She remarked. “Spill.”

“I really don’t want to talk about it.” I muttered and rested my head in my hands.

“Alright,” She responded. “But if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here, cool?” I nodded my head and she began to walk away.

“Hey, Avery.” I said quietly.

“Yeah?” She asked.

“I need advice.”


After telling Avery pretty much everything that has been going on in my life, I suddenly felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I never have confided in anyone since Derek, which was forever ago. And Avery was a girl which could definitely help in this case.

I remember when Derek and I were younger, and I would try to ask him advice and he’d just say ‘Ah, Baylin,
I don’t know, let’s go to the park!’

Yeah, not much of a good listener.

“You have to admit though, having a mystery guy secretly write letters to you is pretty cool!” Avery said excitedly and I had to laugh.

“I guess you’re right.” I replied but then groaned. “If only I knew who he was.”

“He said he was giving you clues, right?” She asked. I nodded in agreement. “Come on, let’s figure them out! What are they?!” I laughed at her eagerness and took out a piece of paper I had written the ‘clues’ on. She grabbed it from me and surveyed them attentively. She lifted up her black rimmed glasses and looked at me. “He talks about being stuck, and being in labels, and being ignorant.” She muttered to herself. “He could either be a major geek not wanting to show his face, or majorly popular and not wanting to ruin his status. Or he could just be an average Joe who thinks he's too average.” She stated.

"Wow, that really narrows it down," I said sarcastically.

“Watch it’s that one Alex guy you hate.” She joked. I scrunched my eyebrows and shot her a glare.

“Don’t ever say that again.” I remarked while she laughed and lifted her hands in the air.

“Sorry, sorry.” She replied and sat down at the stool by me. “Don’t worry, Baylin, we’ll figure out who he is sooner or later.”

“Hopefully sooner than later.” I mumbled and rested my head on the desk.

"Maybe you can put the note in the nurse's box on Monday and wait around for him to come?" She offered.

"I don't know." I replied. "I just don't want to find out who he is that way. I'd rather him tell me or something than just sneak up on him and find out myself." I added and ran my fingers through my hair. "Is that crazy to think?"

"Yes." Avery replied and laughed. "But it's understandable."



I can’t believe Alex Carson has the audacity to try to pull off what he did. Sorry, that just makes me really angry that he would try pulling that on you. Or maybe I’m just jealous that he got to actually have a full fledge conversation with you and I can’t? Maybe that’s it.

That’s also really weird about Derek. I don’t know him, but I know how he acts, being the fact that he’s in a couple of my classes, and it’s weird to hear that he’d flip out like that. Maybe he just doesn’t want you to know. And I still think he has reasoning for doing what he did to you. Maybe he’s trying to make it up to you, somehow.

I’m full of maybe’s today aren’t I?

Anyways, enough about them.

I think it’s really cool how you’re into science. And I had no idea you liked art. Maybe if I ever decide to reveal my identity sometime, you’d show your drawings and paintings to me, yeah? And don’t think that you can’t be an artist because you don’t think you’re good enough. I bet you are good enough. I think you should try it out.

All great minds are artists in their own ways. You create images, I create buildings.

What a match, eh?

But hey, we’re still artists in the end.


They say the path you make through the maze, makes you who you are. But some may choose the wrong one, thinking they’ll go far. But little do they know, they’ll meet a dead end, and everything they left behind will be too vague to comprehend.

I smiled at MM’s letter. He truly is a great mind. Someone who can write like that must be amazing. Probably a geek, but nonetheless, amazing. I tucked the letter in my backpack, and walked over to meet Avery for lunch.

MM’s P.O.V.

I watched Baylin take the letter out of her locker and smiled once I realized how excited she looked to retrieve it. It really made me feel like such a better person to see someone eager to read something I’ve written to them. Lately all I’ve been feeling is worthless. So to see someone who makes me feel different is something to truly be grateful for.

Her blonde hair was blowing in what seemed like the freezing cold breeze and her blue eyes scanned the paper attentively. I kind of noticed that whenever she read, she would mouth the words silently to herself.

She was beautiful. And she had no idea.

I sighed and leaned my shoulder against a wall, and watched her smile again, close her locker and disappear out of the corner.

If only I was brave enough to come up to her and tell her who I am. But I know I can’t. And I know that as long as I can, I’ll try to remain a mystery to her forever.

Even though I know it won’t get me anywhere.

But just the fact that I can communicate with her in any way, is good enough for me.