Say Anything

Chapter Eight

I walked down the hallways of the school with my head down. People were chatting and leaning against their lockers, but I continued to walk, not even knowing where I was going. Was it extremely crazy to feel naked without Derek’s ring? I shuddered at the thought of that boy meaning anything at all to me anymore and finally lifted my head up. I found the corner of a hallway with a heater vent on the side of it. I smiled at the thought of being warm and sat with my back to the vent, took out a piece of lined paper and a pen.


I guess we have that thing in common, I like nachos too. But if you think about it, nachos are pretty bad for you, so maybe we should try for carrots instead? Actually, um, no scratch that. Carrots can't even compare to nachos, at all.

I'm rambling.

Anyways, Derek confronted me again today. I hate how I’ve been bringing him up in every letter lately, it’s just that he has randomly decided it would be a good time to try to start talking to me again, so I feel the need to vent. But seriously, who does that? Who just randomly decides they want to make peace with someone that they have made feel worthless for the past 4 years? All him and his friends have done is cut me out and put me down, and I try my best to act like it doesn’t affect me, but it does. It always does. It’s just so stupid how he’s trying to act like everything is fine just to make himself feel better. He doesn’t care an ounce about what I’m feeling at all.

Okay, I think I’m done venting. Thank you.

I know you’re trying to remain a mystery and all, but please tell me a little more about you. Hints? Anything? Maybe you can prove to me that you actually are a student at this school? Because really, that would suck if you were like one of my teachers or something. I think I’d be scarred for life. So let’s hope, for both of our sakes, that you're a student at this school. Maybe you could tell me what grade you are in?

And alright I’ll give you one more thing about myself.

My favorite color is gray.



After putting the letter in the nurse’s box the next morning, I was completely eager to see if MM would reveal anything more about himself. I mean, he would have to sooner or later, right? Because if he didn’t, then I’m basically writing letters to a ghost. And as much as I’d enjoy being Wendy, I really don’t want to be friends with a Casper.

I ran my fingers through my blonde hair and stared at the white-board in front of me inventively. I then stopped and slowly looked around the classroom for any suspicious people. MM could be anyone. It could even be a girl trying to play a cruel joke on me, it could be a guy that I’ve never seen ever but he’s seen me, it could even be Mr. Rogers. I shuttered at the thought of my English teacher ever writing notes to me and pushed it to the back of my head.

“Alright class, the next assignment is going to be a partner assignment.” Mr. Rogers remarked. The whole class gasped excitingly. “And me being the nice man I am, I’m going to let you choose.”

I inwardly groaned at the thought of me sitting in a corner watching everyone get partnered up except myself. Usually Mr. Rogers assigned partners so I never had to really worry about having to pick one, or having someone pick me, but I guess today he was in a good mood, which didn’t really work out on my favor.

I sat up and watched everyone run to each other and grab one another’s arms as if claiming their ‘property’. I rolled my eyes and waited for all the partners to be picked until I could see one person who wasn’t and just be brave enough to walk up and ask them to be my partner. I studied the classroom, and soon enough people were sitting in their pairs, and then I realized who didn’t have a partner.


“Crap.” I muttered. I saw Derek smirk and walk over to me, while a couple girls gave him suggestive glances that basically screamed out ‘I’ll dump my partner if you ask to be mine!’.

“Hey.” Derek said nonchalantly and sat down directly in front of me.

“Why aren’t you with Alex?” I asked while Derek just shrugged.

“He wanted to be with Heather.” He replied and I looked over to see Heather sitting on Alex’s lap, laughing obnoxiously.

“So, what’d you tell them? You were going to be partners with me as a cruel joke to find out my inner secrets, and then expose them to the whole school?” I asked and leaned my head down on the desk.

“Something like that.” Derek replied and smirked. I then heard a metal ‘clink’ on the my desk and I looked up to see the ring that I had taken off. “Here.” He said.

“I told you, I don’t want it.” I replied, even though deep down I knew inside that I did.

“Yes, you do.” He remarked. And before I could protest, he took my hand and slipped the ring on my finger while I groaned, knowing it was going to be a bitch to take off. “Good, now that we have that taken care of. Meet me in the parking lot after school, okay? We’ll go to my house to do the project.”

“Can’t I just do the whole paper and put your name on it or something?” I begged. “Really, I wouldn’t mind.” Derek widened his eyes and put a hand to his heart dramatically.

“Baylin, that would be cheating!” He remarked. I just rolled my eyes and stared back down at my desk.

“Like you don’t all the time.” I responded.

“And is this what you just assume?” He asked, which made me perk my head up. “You have no idea whether I cheat, or do good in school or not. Once again you’re making assumptions on who I am.”

“It’s hard not to make up those kind of assumptions when I have solid evidence, Derek.” I replied, hinting towards how he has been treating me the past 4 years with his stupid friends. Derek sighed, obviously giving up, and stood up from the chair he had been sitting on.

“Just meet me in the parking lot okay?” He asked.
