Adam came bouncing in to my dressing room. He was full of glitter. I was sitting at my mirror having troubles. He was watching me fumble with my make up. Finally after sighing heavily he started to laugh.

"You know, you suck at putting on make up, right"? He smirked at me the way he always does.
"Oh really"? I said Smiling.
"So you gonna stand there staring at me or are you going to help me"? I said.
"You don't get to be called my glitterbaby for nothing". He said pulling out his make up bag, then the glitter.
"Is that your glitter"? I asked.
"Yeah why"?
"No reason". I couldn't stop smiling.
"Tommy, look at your self"! He said proudly tuning me towards my mirror.
What I saw in the mirror as I stood beside Adam was a confident musician who loved the man standing beside him.
I shook my head. No that's not right. What I see is not myself but the amazing man beside me. I Turned and faced him. He was wearing a tight pair of black leather pants, a fitted t-shirt, and his famous leather jacket. He had the finger-less gloves he always wore on my dressing table. His eyes were surrounded in a thick ring of black. And he was stylishly covered in sparkles. At the moment he wasn't wearing shoes.

"Earth to Tommy". Adam said waving his hand in front of my face.
"Yes Adam"? I asked.
"What was that about"?
"What was what about"? I said.
"You just completely zoned out on me, whats going through your mind"?
"I was checking you out"! I said playfully.
"Well"? He asked suggestively.
"You look amazing as usual". I said, I don't know if he knows how much I really meant that though.
"As do you glitterbaby".

I wasn't dressed for the show yet so I went over to the rack of cloths I had. Once more I looked to see what Adam was wearing and decided to go with my Black skinny jeans, a black t and the black leather coat with the fur along the sides of it. I don't want to wear the coat but I know Adam loves it so I picked it. When Adam saw my clothing choice he got excited.

"Awe. I love that on you"! He said as I was putting on the coat.
"I know, I thought you would Like it"! Just as I picked up my base our stage director came in and gave us a five minute heads up.