Status: One shot.

I Can Tell by the Way You Carry Yourself

When you're ready, just say you're ready.

If you asked Loki what he hated the most about being part of the Odinsson family his answer would be without any hesitation, 'The amount of parties simply because Thor did something that even an eight year old could do.'

And if you asked Lilliana what she hated most about being Sif's younger sister, it would be the near enough exact answer as Loki's, just with the added part of 'The amount of parties I get dragged to just because Sif wants to make herself look better towards Thor as being the prettiest of the family.'

But to be honest, if you asked Thor who he thought was the prettiest, he would, with a shrug, say that Lilliana because he thought she was more femine and also because she was 'pure' in the Asgardian sense.


The party was in full swing when Loki decided that he should partake in the festivites, and by partake he means, 'I'm hungry and to be honest I've read any book I can conjure up.' He walked into the hall, Thor raising his goblet at the sight of his brother. Frigga looked over at him and smiled and waved him over, 'Where have you been? Your father's been in need to talk to you.' Loki sighed, 'I've been sat in my chambers, reading. Not really in a sociable mood to be honest. And judging how father looks pinker than a Migardian sunset in winter, I don't think he will be able to say his words properly.' He said with a smirk. He walked away after that, eyes glancing around the room, stopping when he saw a girl with hair more orange than the shine of the palace, wearing a dress the same colour of Thor's eyes. She had her back turned, looking out toward to the Bifrost. Loki turned his gaze from the girl to Thor. He rolled his eyes when he saw he was trying to challenge Volstragg to a eating competition. Anybody would tell you that it's a stupid idea, they'd run out of food before either of them could out-eat each other. Loki sighed and turned his gaze back to the girl. 'Wouldn't recommend looking at her, Sif would be manic if she found out her younger sister was a part of the royal family before her.' Fandral said as he walked up beside Loki. Loki turned his head, 'What do you mean by that and also, how do you that's her sister? For all we know, she could be just a part of the parliament who got invited.' Fandral smirked, 'I know it's her sister because Sif is currently furrowing her brows at the fact her sister is attention of the king's son, regardless of which one. While on the other hand Thor is more interested in telling the story of he managed to slay a frost giant when he was twelve.'

Loki smiled and shook his head, 'Typical Thor.' he thought as he made his way over to the girl. She was still looking over at the Bifrost when he got to her. 'Good evening.' Loki said. She gasped and turned her head around. 'Oh, good evening to you too, prince Loki.' She said as her green eyes fell down to her feet. 'Not enjoying the party?' Loki asked, walking closer to her. She looked up, 'Not really. I don't understand why I had to come. I could sat at home right now, reading.' She answered, a tone of annoyance at the end. 'I understand. I came from my chambers so I could get some food because believe it or not, I am absolutely useless at conjuring up food.' She laughed at that, 'I can't believe the god of mischief can't do that.' Loki smiled. 'It's true I can't. I don't recall ever hearing your name.' He replied. 'Oh, I forgot. I'm Lilliana, Sif's younger sister.'

'Well then Lilliana, if I'm being too foward tell me but would you give me the honour of going on a walk with me?' He said with a small smile. 'Of course, anything to hear this story for about the two hundredth time.' Lilliana exasperated. Loki took her hand, 'Just a second.'

And exact just like Loki said, a second later they were standing outside where a soft, warm breeze was blowing through the trees which all had leaves the shades of the Bifrost river. 'This is the palace garden', Loki said as he saw Lilliana twirling around. 'This is beautiful, actually it's beyond beautiful.' She said, looking around at all the flowers that bloomed around her feet. Loki walked up to her and took her hand, 'There's more like this just through the gate.' They walked next to each other through the gate after Loki opened it. Lilliana's jaw dropped when she saw all the other trees, some with blue leaves, others with green leaves and even some that had purple and pink flowers dangling down. Loki watched her face, 'I'm assuming you like it then.' He asked. 'Oh my word, so this is what my father told me about. He always talked to me about this place, he said it was to be seen to be believed. And I understand that.' She said with a tone of wonder.

They stayed in the garden till at least the sun came up. They talked about their families, bonding over the problems. Lilliana also taught Loki how to conjure up food, both of them sharing a small feast of fruit, cheeses and Migardian wine.

The next time they saw each other, they did the same every time but in a different place with different food and with a different topic of conversation. They never bored of it because even just for a few hours, they could just escape.
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Yep, the Avengers has taken over my life, not that I mind.
Titles credit: Take Care- Drake feat. Rihanna.
Feedback would be great. X