Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


Katie was standing in the middle of the bunk area, looking in her own bunk for her cell phone.

"Katie you coming to the party tonight?" she could hear Rian's voice travel through the bus, from the front where he was standing. She quickly shot a look in the back loft to see both Jack, and Zack looking at her. Jack had a smile, but Zack didn't look to happy. She quickly looked away.

"Not tonight." She shouted back. Alex popped his head out his bunk.

"Why not?" he asked pushing back his curtain.

"I'm going to take a break, with the partying for tonight." Alex nodded his head in understatement.

"Maybe, I'll stay back with you, if you'd like." Alex said shrugging his shoulders and giving her a smile. Katie's nerves started to tingle. She again shot a look back at Jack who was already getting up to join the conversation.

"It's no need, Alex. I'm not feeling so hot. I'll probably stay back too." Jack said trying to make himself look as sick as possible.

"Oh gotcha." Alex looked at Jack then Katie. Katie's head was down and Jack was just rubbing his forehead.

Katie couldn't help but feel horrible, because a part of her wanted to just be with Jack, but when Alex offered to stay with her, she got butterflies in her stomach. Butterflies, that shouldn't be there.

Jack could feel the guilt coming off of Katie's body. Both of them sat in the back loft as the other three boys were busy getting ready. Katie couldn't look at Jack, let alone anyone else. She just watched Jack play a video game as she zoned out.

"Please don't be like this all night." Jack whispered into Katie's ear as he leaned into her. She tried to give him a weak smile, as she watched Alex strip himself of his shirt. He quickly turned around as if he knew she was watching. He shot her that smile, that she hated to love. That smile that told every girl he knew they wanted him. Katie quickly turned only to brush her lips against Jack's lips. With neither of them intending this and they quickly pulled away, and a shock face was plastered on both of their faces.

"Did you two just kiss?" Alex stepped into the area still shirtless, but with shocked and confused face.

"It was an accident." Katie answered. she pursed her lips and looked up at Alex, who was giving Jack a doubtful look. Jack had a smile on his face that he knew shouldn't be there. But finally Alex had saw that Jack had something he didn't. But when he saw Katie glaring at him, his happiness deflated and he went back to the video game, wishing the boys would leave sooner.

Katie was surprised that neither of them had heard her heart beating a mile a minute. She just seen her worst nightmare play out, and it didn't even go right. Alex didn't even care, that they kissed, even if it was just an accident. It was a kiss. She looked through the doorway to see Alex examining two shirts on his bunk, and then she looked back at Jack. Who had a serious look on his face.

Jack knew that Katie was staring at him, and he fought to not look at her. But when he felt her hand squeeze his upper thigh, he fought back a groan. He smiled, and looked over at Katie, and right when he heard the door slammed shut and Katie's lips were on his.

Jack had dropped the controller as his hands found their way to Katie's small hips. He pushed her down and crawled on top of her. Katie grabbed hold on Jack's neck to pull him down closer to her. While slipping his tongue into Katie's mouth, he felt her hands travel down to the hem of his shirt. Jack's hands that were already up Katie's shirts were lifted above his head as his Glamourkills shirt was thrown from the scene. Katie ran her fingers through Jack's hair as has he sucked on her collar bone.

It wasn't like Jack, and Katie to be this forward, but Jack didn't care, and Katie figured she needed this to get over Alex.

But all good things must come to an end. And this one was caused by an awkward moment.

Jack had moved his knees to straddle Katie, but he ended up kneeling on his controller, cause a series of Gun shot sound effects to go off. Katie bolted up right, out of fright. She hit her head against Jack's head before she fell back onto the be.

"Ow." She whined holding her head with her hands. She opened her eyes to see Jack leaning over her with his eyes closed. He had a red part forming at the middle of his own head.

"I'm sorry, I ruined everything." Katie stated running her finger tips down his jaw line.

Jack tried to offer her a smile, he was trying not to focus on the pulsing pain in his head, and the pulsing in his jeans.

"You didn't ruin anything. It was my fault." He opened his eyes to see Katie looking up at him with sad eyes.

"I'm such a dork."

"Yes, you are, but not because of this." He said pointing to his head.

"Oh gee, thanks." She muttered slightly pushing Jack off her. Just when she was about to turn to Jack the door clicked and Alex stumbled into the bus. Both Jack and Katie were frozen in place.

"Hey guys," He paused and looked at Katie then Jack,"Why is Jack shirtless?" Alex asked pointing to Jack. He looked at Katie but she was focusing on the bed

"I got hot." Jack defended as he tried to run his hands through his hair.

"Oh." Was all Alex could get out. He picked up Jack's shirt and threw it at him as he turned towards his bunk.

"I just came back, for my wallet. I'm taking out this girl." He told the both of them. He smiled to himself as he turned around to his bunk. When he had said that Katie's whole body tensed. It wasn't the exact reaction he would have liked, but it was better than nothing.

"Have fun." Jack mumbled as he pulled his shirt over his head. He looked over to Katie who wasn't even looking at anything. She just sat there.

Katie stood up and walked out of the back room and past Alex.

"Where are you going?" Jack asked as he saw her rush past him.

"I need to call someone." She said trying not to let her emotions get the best of her.

"Who?" Alex asked walking into the front area where she was unplugging her phone. She was making her way down the steps as she reached for the door, to leave.
