Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


"You two were making out weren't you?" Alex asked right when Katie slammed the door. He turned towards Jack who was putting his shirt back on.

"No." He lied.

"I can tell, I'm not an idiot. You guys were going to have sex weren't you?" Alex took a step toward Jack. Not like Alex would be able to do anything to him.

"Why does it matter? It's not like you ever dated. She isn't off limits. No one said." Jack stated.

"I didn't think it needed to be said! Everyone knew I liked her." Alex yelled, frustration was boiling out of him.

"Everyone but her, and that was after the fact that you broke her heart."

"This is so low, brah." Alex shook his head.

"You're the one being low. She doesn't like you anymore. Man you can have any girl you want, why can't I have Katie?"

"Because she's the only girl I want." Alex said meaner than he intended. Jack growing angrier by the second.

"Fine. I'll back off. So you can have everything you want. You want my wallet too? How about all my hoodies? Why don't you take those?" Jack stood up and stormed off the bus, in the same fashion Katie had done.

She leaned against the side of the bus as she dialed a number labeled 'home' on her phone. It rang a couple of times before she heard Charlie's voice come over the phone.

"Hey this is Charlie, Monica, Katie, and Steve. No one's home leave a message fool." It was followed by a beep. Katie let out a sigh and pressed the end button.
She already tried calling Steve's cell but he didn't answer on that. It was almost nerve recking. She only spoken to Monica about five times, and each time was short than the first. The door swung open as she watched Jack storm off in the other direction. She was to afraid to go after him. He was probably so upset with her that he'd never speak to her again. The door opened again and Katie looked over to see Alex walk out of the bus. The last person she wanted to see was him. She pushed herself off the bus as he started to walk over to her.

"Don't call him." He stated as he stood in front of me.

"Don't worry, he didn't pick up the phone." Katie muttered walking past him and back onto the bus. Alex should feel lucky because Katie only had room for one person to hate in her body, and that space was taken up by Steve.

Stepping onto the empty bus, Katie was felt to deal with her emotions by herself. She had changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top, before she climbed into her bunk.

Katie didn't wake up until the next morning. The bus was now moving but she could hear the boys talking in the background. She rolled over so she was laying on her back. She almost wanted to scream. This was not how she wanted things to go.

"Hey chica, want some food?" Her curtain was pulled back by Matt who had a goofy smile on his face.

"I'm not hungry." She muttered, rolling over.

"Not hungry, you're like a twig! You should eat."

"No thanks." She muttered again but into her pillow.

"Scoot over, brat." She smiled slightly considering Matt was the only one who was able to call her that. She felt weight on the bed start to even out as Matt layed down next to her.

"You certainly do know how to start drama."

"Does everyone know?"

"Everyone meaning the whole tour? Then yes. Jack and Alex got into a fight."

"God damn it."

"But I guess they're over it. Because they're laughing and joking with each other."

"I guess that's good."

"But who's going to love Katie now?" For the first time, Katie wanted to punch Matt.

"Not funny." She stated.

"You're right. That was mean I'm sorry."

"Get out."

"Come on, I said I was sorry." Katie shoved him out causing him to thud on the ground. It wasn't loud considering she had the bottom bunk.

Matt did feel bad, and mentally kicked himself for saying that. Now Katie would probably be mad at all three of them. Before he stood up Katie pulled her curtain back closed. He walked into the front of the bus where all four boys were staring at him.

"I think she hates me." Matt said as he sat down next to Rian.

"Welcome to the club." Alex mumbled leaning his head back. Both Jack and Alex were nursing a hangover but neither them had forgotten the events of last night. Both had gotten into a brawl at the party, but after a few low blows of verbal abuse they came to their senses. They figured that they shouldn't ever let a girl get in the way of their friendship. The one thing they forgot was that this girl was going to be living with them for the rest of the summer, and both were still had feelings for her.

Katie stayed in her bunk until the bus had stopped at the next city. And when she finally did come out she didn't speak to anyone. She got dressed, grabbed her cell phone and left.

"That had to be the most awkward moment ever." Rian exclaimed once Katie had left the bus.

"Why are you three such dipshits?" Zack asked shaking his head as he walked off the bus. "See ya, at sound check." He made his way over to the All Time Low merch tent that the roadies had set up.

Katie sat there typing away on her sidekick, with fifteen minutes until the kids start to pour in. She was ignoring the roadie that was trying to talk to her.

"Hey, girlie." Zack leaned on the table she sat behind. He shot the roadie a look, to let him know that he should leave.

"I don't want to hear one of your talks, Zack."

"Well why don't you talk?" He hopped over the table and was standing next to her.

"I don't have anything to say."

"Well what did Matt say to you."

"He basically called me a whore."