Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


Zack sat next to Katie as she once again Ranted about her issues, and what happened on the bus, and how she thinks Jack will never speak to her again.

"Trust me, Jack wants to talk to you. The kid still likes you. But so does Alex. So I have no idea what to tell you." Katie let her head hit the table.

"This isn't fair. How was I suppose to know Alex was trying to make me jealous? I mean it worked so why should he be complaining."

"He planned on making you like him on this tour."

"Argh, I planned on making him want me, but not being able to have me."

"Well, I guess you got what you wanted." Zack shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what else to do.

"Why couldn't I just liked Jack first? It would have been so much easier." Katie muttered as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Well I guess, but Alex would have still liked you and would mostly make things hard like they are now."

"I hate boys."

"Well, we both know that's not true." The both chuckled at that.

"Maybe it's best if I just go home. I mean it would be so much easier."

"Don't go home because of those idiots. I miss my best friend." Zack said wrapping his arms around me.

"Hey,Zack. You think I can talk to Katie?" Both Katie turned around to see Alex standing in the back of the tent with his hands in his jean pockets. Zack let go of Katie, but he could feel her still grasping onto his shirt as if asking him not to leave her. She let go and stared at Alex who was staring at his shoes as Zack walked past him.

Katie turned in her seat so she was staring out into the open space in front of her. There was a boy who was approaching the tent, and Katie tried to put on a smile as he boy stepped up to the table, and Alex sat down in the seat Zack was just sitting in.

"Morning, Brah." Katie said to the boy. He laughed and smiled.

"Kate, we need to talk." Alex said ignoring the boy telling Katie what shirt he wanted.

"You want two of the same shirts?" She asked as ignored Alex and turned back to look at the boy.

"Yah, for my brah and I." Katie laughed when he used the word brah.

"Okay that's thirty bucks." He handed her two twenties.

"Keep the change, cutie."

"Stellar." She said nodding her head at the boy.

"Katie, can you stop flirting with him, and talk to me."

"I'm not flirting, I'm just talking to my brah." Katie smiled at the boy as he gave her a peace sign and walked off. Katie laughed and sat down, almost forgetting the angry Alex next to her.

"Are you trying to make me mad?" He almost yelled.

"No." Katie's voice was weak, and lacked the spunk it had a few seconds ago. She never liked being yelled at, and Alex knew it.

"I didn't mean to yell." Alex said more calm than he was second ago.

Katie looked in the opposite direction and tried to not let Alex bother her.

"I'm sorry, Kate." Alex placed his hand on her leg, which sent butterflies fluttering in her stomach. It wasn't fair that Alex could still make her feel like this.

"It's fine." She tried to say with out stuttering. Her face was growing hotter the longer his hand stayed on his leg.

Alex watched Katie look every where but him.

"Please, will you listen to me?"

"I am listening." She stated.

"Look at me." Katie sighed as she pushed her hair out of her face and turned to see Alex with a pleading look on his face.

"This isn't how things were suppose to go down." He started, subconsciously Alex started to thumb Katie's thigh. What surprised him was she didn't stop him.

"Well, I'm sorry this didn't go as planned for you." Alex ignored Katie's comment and kept going.

"How long have you and Jack been together?"

"Since the beginning of tour." She muttered resting her elbow on the table and leaning her head on her hand.

Alex sighed as he watched her stare at the kids passing by.