Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


"I really think you should go to sound check now." Katie stated running her fingers through her hair.

"Maybe I can take you out tonight, and we can talk this over more." He said standing up slightly upset that this talk hadn't happened like he planned it. He was hoping that she would break down and cry and confess that she didn't know what she was doing with Jack, and she really loved Alex.

But of course, that isn't how things went. Jack walked past the merch table as Katie struggled to jump over and run to hug him. And as she whispered 'I'm sorry' into chest his Alex wanted to drown Jack in the nearest lake.

Katie was relieved when Jack put his hands on her hips, but her heart sank as he pushed her away.

"I'm sorry too, Katie. I should have never put you in this situation." She unwrapped her arms from his neck, pursed her lips together, and looked in the other direction.

"You can't be mad."

"No. I'm not mad." She said shaking her head. Jack didn't want to push her away, but he knew they wouldn't make it. With Alex headstrong, Jack decided that he wouldn't win this battle.

"I can tell you're upset."

"I don't even like Alex anymore." She said crossing her arms.

"But he likes you."

"Well, he's not going to get what he wants. And I think it's really shitting thing you're doing." She quickly stepped aside and walked back to the tent, leaving Jack feeling horrible.

The rest of the day Katie stayed quite only talking to Zack and Rian.

"Come with me to get a snack, Rian."

"Yeah, umm no. I'm busy online."

"Zack?" She turned towards him but found him also online with her headphones on.

"I can go with you, Katie Kat." Jack said standing up, Katie glared and walked past time.

"I think I'll just starve myself." She said pushing back her curtain to her bunk.

"Dude, she still hates you." Matt pointed out.

"She didn't this morning." Alex muttered to himself.

"Man, don't even start. I told her I wasn't interested anymore. So shut the hell up." Jack threw a magazine at Alex. Both boys sat moping in front of the bus.

"Guys, I'm seriously hungry." Zack stated looking up from his computer. Alex stood up and threw the magazine at Zack.

"What the hell?"

"Katie." Rian said simply.

"Well, don't be pissed at me, because she doesn't like you anymore."

"This is all your fault. You told me she should have come. You ruined everything! She had a boyfriend back in Chicago, I could have been with so many girls, but I waited for Katie, and now Jack is in love with her but he's blaming me for him breaking it off with her."

"You're the one that wanted to make her jealous."

"You're the one that told me to go after her."

"Because you wanted her! That's what you're suppose to do! Go after what you want. Not be a dick to her, and not just give her up like you did today, Jack." Zack yelled at both Jack and Alex.

Katie walked out of the bunk area with a pillow and blanket and walked past the boys.

"Please, do not talk about me when I'm only three feet away, I'm going to sleep on Paramore's bus, and then tomorrow I'm buying a ticket back to Chicago."

Katie was walking in sweat pants and a wife beater with a big pillow and a blanket wrapped around her. Around her were masses of drunk musicians and roadies. She walked barefoot through the buses in search of the bus Hayley told her to go too.

Knocking on a bus door, she waited for someone to answer the door. She was surprised when Hanna Beth answered.

"Ah, I take it that this isn't Paramore's bus." She said laughing at herself.

"Yeah they're the next bus down." She smiled pointing out the door.


"Hey, are you alright?" she asked stepping down from the bus.

"Yeah fine, just boys." Katie mumbled.

"Alex giving you a hard time?"

"He won't leave me alone." she said turning around and looking at her.

"Oh yeah, Martin was telling me about you two. I saw him talking to you this morning." She explained.

"Yeah, things are complicated." She said feeling sorta awkward considering she really didn't know Hanna.

"I haven't known Alex as long as you have, but to me, he seems like he wants to do the right thing he just can't stop putting himself first." Katie smiled as Hanna already had Alex pinned.

"But I don't want to seem nosy, you know considering we hardly know each other. But I do think you and Alex would look cute together."

"Hanna!" She turned around as Martin's voice filled the air.

"Well, I'll let you get back to your boo." Katie laughed and waved to Hanna as she started down towards the Paramore bus.