Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


"It's just not fair. I don't want you to leave because of a stupid boy. You should just stay with us." Katie sat in Hayley's bunk with her.

"Ehh, I'm done with them. I can't stand any of them. Well other that Zack and Rian."

"So then stay. Fuck Alex and Jack."

"Haha, no thanks. They would just make it worse. And I already feel like a piece of meat." Katie shook her head recalling what they were saying about her.

"But, but, I want you to stay. And I know Zack does too! You can't just leave, they won't have a merch person. You can't make the whole bad suffer, because of Alex and Jack's actions."

"Haley, I don't want to stay though. They've ruined my life! Is that not going through your head? I had what I wanted in Chicago, and then I come here and then there's Jack, but Jack gave up so easily, and all I wanted to do was kick him and yell at him, because if he really liked me, then he wouldn't have let Alex get what he wants."

"But Alex didn't get what he wanted."

"Oh but he did! Alex always knows how to weasel his way into my heart, and head. And now that Jack is out of the picture, and my life in Chicago is probably too. All I'll have time to think about is Alex."

She sat there with a puzzled look as she took in all the things Katie had just vented onto her.

"I know you're going to hate me when I say this, but maybe it's because you're suppose to be with Alex. I mean from the stories you say you both had liked each other first, but then you both just made things more complicated over this 3 month period. Maybe a little talking it out can help solve this issue." Katie wanted to shake her head and tell Haley she's crazy, but she couldn't deny that had also been thinking about that ever since Alex had placed his hand on her knee.

"Maybe, I'll stay a little longer." Katie stated shrugging her shoulders.

"That's better than nothing." Haley exclaimed wrapping her arms around Katie's neck.

"Umm, don't want to be ruining a girly bonding moment, but a pissed off Zack Merrick is at front of the bus, wanting to take back his merch girl, and maybe beat her." Josh said as he peered inside Haley's bunk.

"But I'm sleeping here tonight." Katie said, not making any attempt to move.

"No you're not." Katie scrunched up her nose and Zack entered the bunk area, and was holding both her pillow, and blanket.



"This isn't fair."


"You can't tell-"

"Just get up so we can leave. I'm tired." He said walking back to the front of the bus, knowing that Katie would soon be following him after she said goodbye to Haley and the rest of the guys.

Both Zack and Katie walked back to All Time Low's bus in silence. Even though there was shouting and laughing all around them. Even with all the noise they both seemed to be in a silent bubble.

"You're not going back to Chicago, because of them." Zack stated, positive the he was going to make his best friend stay on tour.

"I know." Katie's head was bowed down, as she whispered her response. Katie held her blanket, while Zack had her pillow under her arm.

When they walked onto the bus, the rest of the boys had gone to there separate bunks. Everyone on the bus was hoping to get to bed early.

Alex couldn't help but feel guilty because he was starting to see how selfish he really was and how he was only hurting the one person he really liked.

While Rian layed in the bunk below him, he couldn't help but feel the tension in the bus as the door opened and two sets of foot steps were heard. He didn't like how he couldn't solve this problem for his friends, and how there was more than right and wrong in this situation.

Matt laying in the top bunk on the right, kept wishing that he had left Katie alone that morning, and not ruin his neutral area he had with Katie and the guys.

Zack Laying in the bunk just below Matt, was hating the fact he was being blamed for the issues that were happening, and how he knew his best friend had gone to someone else this time to talk about her problems. Zack had a feeling he was be pushed away.

But Jack, in the bottom right bunk had it worse out of all five boys. He pushed away a girl he still liked, so he could save his relationship with his band mate. But in Jack's mind he wasn't sure if his friendship was truly at stack over this girl, that in his mind, was causing all this issues. And Jack laid awake, just like every other boy on the bus, as they listened to the only girl, in the top left bunk cry herself to sleep, because she knew that she was the cause of this issues and they wouldn't let her leave them behind.