Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


Katie woke up in the middle of the night with a throbbing head ache, and a sore throat. She sat up in her bunk and could hear a couple of the boys snoring.

She crawled out of her bed, and looked around the darken room.

"What are you doing?" I hushed voice came out of nowhere. Katie almost scream but her thoart hurt to much.

"Jack, leave me alone." Katie whispered as she pulled out her duffel bag.

"You're packing? Zack said you were staying." Jack not wanting her to leave quickly climbed out of his bunk and tried to grab Katie's bag from her. She turned around to find that Jack was standing right behind her. She looked up at him and gave him a pleading look.

"It's for the best."

"I really don't want you to leave." Katie shook her head and almost laughed.

"I pretty sure you're the main reason why I'm leaving." Jack's heart had just swelled and burst and before he could even think of what he was saying it passed through his lips.

"You're more mad at me then Alex?"

"Jack, I like you, a lot. And then just because Alex throws a fit about not being able to screw me you, you just give me away. Like I mean nothing. You and I both know that Alex is has the shallowest heart when it comes to girls. You actually think Alex and I would last, even if I wanted to be with him?" Alex didn't even dare to breath as he heard Katie whisper these harsh words to Jack. He couldn't believe that was how she thought of him.

"Katie," Jack paused trying to think of the words but could only mock Katie,"It was for the best." She sighed. A part of her hoped he would get on his knees and beg to be forgiven, so she could take him back but he didn't. He stuck by his asshole friend, who won't even get what he wants.

She nodded her head and continued packing. Jack just stood next her trying to think of something to say. Something to make her stay. But nothing came to mind and she kept packing.

She zipped up her bag and Alex's heart started to beat faster. He wanted to jump out his bunk, push Jack aside and plant his lips onto hers. That's all he's been dreaming about. Kissing the girl that haunts his night, and day.

"I guess this is goodbye." She sighed, Alex could here her shift her bag from side to side.

"What do you mean? We're going to see you again right?"

"I don't think that would be such a great idea." Katie side stepped to get passed Jack, but he followed her.

"This wasn't suppose to happen." He tried to keep her long enough,in hopes someone would wake up from their talking.

"Excuse me?" Katie tried to push past him, but he held his ground.

"We're suppose to be friends."

"Are you trying to blame this on me?" She asked almost shocked.

"You're the one that made the first move. Stating clearly how you felt." Jack could see the hurt building in her eyes, and he knew he had to do this if he was going to make her stay.

"Excuse me, you're the one that didn't push me back, and I was drunk."

"That's a good excuse." She dropped her bag as tears fell from her eyes. She brought her hand up and smack Jack across the face.

"Why are you doing this to me?" She shook her head and bent down to pick up her bag. But when she stood up straight Jack's lips were on hers and she was the one that pushed away.