Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


After that morning, surprisingly, everything went back to normal. Well as normal as things can be on Warped tour. Katie wasn't the one who shyed away from the crowds now. She was having a blast; she was glad this weren't so awkward on the bus. It's been a week since Alex and Jack had the peace treaty. The night before Jack had given Alex the go ahead to start his attempt to swoon Katie. Alex, filled with sexual tension, watched Katie lift her shirt over her head. Leaving her only in a beater.

"Is that mine?" Alex asked tilting his head, hoping she would notice him staring at her chest.

"I think it might be." She said tugging at the bottom. She looked up at him and smiled.

"You don't mind, do you?" She struck a pose and laughed as she turned around and finished folding shirts.

"Hey, Katie?" Alex tired to figure out the words he wanted to say but when she turned around and tilted her head, the same way Alex had a few moments ago, he had no idea what he was going to say.

Katie smiled as Alex had a puzzled look on his face as if he had no idea why he spoke to her.

"You wanted something?" Katie asked as she took a step closer to Alex. She could see him shift in the seat he was in sitting in.

Just you, thought Alex. He suppressed his urge to throw her down on the table and have his way with her.

"No. I forgot. Sorry." He shook his head as he looked in the other direction as Katie started to hum Break out! Break out!. Alex groaned as he her humming reached his ears.

"Whaaa?" Katie turned around with a fake hurt face, "you don't like my humming?"

"You know I don't like it when you sing our songs."

"You don't mind when your fans sing it, and I was humming not singing."

"You're not a fan." He said smiling and standing up. He took a step closer and wrapped his sweaty arms around Katie.

"Ah gross, Alex! Now I stink!" Katie struggled as she tired to push Alex off of her. All the more Alex tightened his grip and rubbed his scratchy chin on her neck.

"Ah please stop! You know I hate being tickled!" Katie let this cries out while she laughed and tears run down her face because she was laughing so much.

"But you love the scruff." Alex's hands went straight to her sides as he jabbed her.

"No fair!" Her body twitched in the other direction as she was trying desperately to get free. She rest her head on his shoulders in hopes he wouldn't rub his chin on her. She let out a shriek as his hands went up her shirt and he resorted into tickling her. Katie took a step back but Alex took two toward her and when she backed up more she ran into the table, losing her balance and falling backward, bring Alex down with her.

Katie's back hit the table as Alex tried his best to brace his fall, but he failed and ended up falling right on top of her. It wasn't the exact position Alex would have had her on the table, but it was better than nothing.

"You're an asshole." Katie laughed as she wiped her tears onto Alex's shirt. Alex laughed as he rested he's head on her chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I like this."

"I'm sorry, Alex. I've gotta sell your merch, but I can't do it if you're on top of me. And my back is really hurting. I think I'm gonna bruise."
"You always bruise."

Katie pushed Alex away hoping the blush on her cheeks would be mistaken for light sunburn.

Alex stood up carefully making sure Katie didn't fall as he stood up.

Alex took a step back as she quickly turned around and busied herself as if that never happened. He smiled knowing he had just wiggled his way back into her heart.

He hopped onto of the table sitting on the unfolded shirts. Katie looked at him as she yanked one out from under him.

"Go out with me tonight."

"I don't know." Katie shook her head as she tired to hide her face. Alex leaned in towards her and pulled her curtain of hair away from her face.

"Why not? We can go for a shake or something." Katie cracked a smile as she turned her head to face him.

"A shake? Afterward are you going to pin me?" Katie fluttered her eyelashes that made
Alex smile even more.

"If you'd like." He shrugged his shoulders scooting closer to Katie.

"Alex, I'm working."

"I am too." She couldn't help but smile. Alex's cocky remarks made her want him even more.


"And a pin." Katie laughed and nodded her head.

"It's a date then."