Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


"Are you ready?" Katie sat at the same seat all day. Her hair was thrown up into a high ponytail, and she hid in the back of the tent, away from the sun. She turned around to see Alex standing there with his hair actually combed and it looked like he had gotten a new Glamour Kills shirt.

"Oh gosh, can't I wash my face at least? I feel disgusting."

"You look cute." Alex smiled and pushed Matt toward Katie.

"Take Katie's spot and she'll forgive you for whatever you did to make her mad." Matt looked over at her as she nodded her head standing up.

"I'm only doing this for Katie. Not you, Alex." Matt pointed his finger at Alex and wrapped his arms around Katie.

"We get to be bffl's again!" he quickly let go as he leaned in toward her.

"You kind of smell."

"Oh, you asshole." She pushed him away as she made sure she was as far away as possible from Alex. Just so he couldn't smell her.

"I'll be ready in five minutes, just wait for me outside." She past Jack as she rushed into the bathroom.

She quickly washed her face and peeled off her shirt as she started to put on deodorant.

"Katie you ready?" Alex knocked on the bathroom door. He could hear her rummaging through things in the bathroom.

"Give me a second." She looked around and tried to find a shirt to wear.

"Hey, Alex?" Katie shouted through the door.

"He went outside, what do you need?" Jack leaned on the door as he spoke to Katie.

" A shirt." She muttered as she bent over trying to look for one in the pile of towels on the floor.

"Oh. What's wrong with the one you were wearing?"

"It smells. Can you go in my bag and get me a shirt please?"

"Yeah hold on." Jack shoved off the door and went toward her duffel bag.

"Which one?" he shouted as he pulled out a shirt with a pair of underwear was attached to it. He pulled it off and chuckled as he decided that whatever shirt he picked would be fine.

"Thanks." Katie said as she grabbed the shirt from Jack's hand. She slipped it over her head and sighed as she opened the door.

Jack could see the worried look on her face.

"Don't worry. Alex would love you if you smelt like a decaying body."

"Do I smell that bad?" she exclaimed lifting up her arm as she tired to see if she was immune to her own smell.

"No. You don't. I'm just saying if you did, it wouldn't matter." Jack stated shrugging his shoulders and walking to the front of the bus.

"Thank you, Jack." Both of them knew that she wasn't talking about the shirt. Jack had honestly gotten over Katie quicker than he thought. Even though he still thought she was beautiful he didn't view her as more than a friend. And those weeks they were together, only seemed to be a drunken blur.

"Don't sweat it Kitty Kat. But seriously don't sweat, not to hot." He laughed as she lightly pushed Jack.

"Bye, Jack."

Alex, who was leaning against the hot bus, checked his watch as he felt a light breeze pick up and he saw that the sun was getting lower and lower.

"Did I take to long?" Katie stepped off the bus and stood in front of Alex.

"No. I just want as much time as possible with you." He held out his hand to her, and she raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't it to hot for holding hands?" Alex laughed and reached for her hand anyways.

"It's never to hot for holding hands."

"Okay. Where are we off to?"

"Well I promised a shake I believe." Alex moved himself closer to Katie which each step he took.

"Shakes were promised." Katie nodded her head as she saw Alex inch himself closer to her. They walked and talked about their days.

Katie told about seeing a fist fight over an argument about NOFX and how she had to look away when the blood started flowing. Alex told her how he had messed up his lyrics today and had to hold the mic to the crowd so they couldn't tell.

"I'm sorry." Katie said while she laughed.

"I didn't laugh at your pansy move." Alex said in defense.

"But you wrote it. I just don't like blood."

"I remember you fainted when Rian busted his head open."

"Oh geez Louise, don't remind me! That was horrible." Katie held her hand to her head as the flashes of blood came back.

"Okay okay, let's think of something more pleasant. Like us, and this date." Katie laughed. She soon realized that Alex was slowing down to a stop.

"Fits the promise doesn't it?"

"It does." Katie smiled as Alex held the door open for her.

"I think Steak n' Shake is perfect." Alex said smiling

Alex gingerly wrapped his arm around Katie's waist as he wasn't sure if she would reject his move. But she didn't, instead she leaned in more toward him as she decide which table she wanted to sit at.

"Let's sit at a booth." Alex suggested pulling toward a corner booth. He quickly pulled her into a corner booth as she let out a laugh. She scooted as close to him as possible as the waiter brought both of them menus. Alex pushed his menu away and smiled at Katie.

"I'm going to have a chocolate shake." Katie followed suit.

"Ditto." Katie watched the waiter take her menu and walk away.

"Hmm." Alex sighed, as he slowly let his hand fall down to his lap and he's fingers grazed Katie's bare thigh.

"The sun wears me out." Katie muttered resting her head on Alex's shoulder.

"The sun does suck when it's extremely hot." Alex tried his best not to say anything that would upset Katie. She was the type of girl who got easily annoyed by boys with poor vocabulary, and lame jokes.

"You know, I don't think we've ever hung out. Just us. It's always us plus someone else." Katie pulled her head up from Alex's shoulder as the waiter came back with their two shakes.

Katie quickly pulled off the cherry and ate it as she started to spoon the whip cream in her mouth.

"That's the best part! You should have save it!"

"It gets annoying. Always in the way." Alex smiled as she explained and he watch her take a sip of the shake.

"You like it? Was it everything I promised?" Alex asked as he watched Katie quiver from the shake.

"It's great. But I'm still missing my-" Alex hand flew onto the table as he placed a small pin that said Glamour Kills on it.

"My pin." She picked it up and smiled at how corny it was yet how sweet he was to actually do it.

"You like it?" Katie simply nodded her head as she flipped it over. It was as if she had never seen the pin before. Alex took it from her hand and leaned in toward her and quickly with ease pinned it onto her shirt.

"Did you just pin me?" Katie laughed as she took another drink from her shake.

"If I say yes will you keep it?" Katie smiled again as she nodded her head.

"Well then yes. I just pinned you at Steak 'n Shake." Katie looked over at Alex to see him in his own Glamour Kills shirt and his beige hat that Katie used to think was silly, but now she thought it was the cutest thing ever. Alex could feel her staring at him as he took another sip of his drink.

He knew that he wanted to ask her out. But he was hoping her wearing the pin would mean the same thing. It was his way to weasel his way out of asking her. He was never one to ask for anything.

Katie tore her stare away from his once she realized he wasn't going to say anything along the lines of asking her out. She took her long spoon and took a bite of the shake that was to thick to get through the straw. She rested her elbow on the table and her head in her hand. She wondered if he thought pinning her was her being his girlfriend. But the last thing Katie wanted was to ask if they were going out and him laugh at her and say no. So she kept her mouth shut and sat there trying to think of something to say.

Alex was watching Katie stare out in front of her, and she had an almost confused face. Alex watched her emotions change frequently.

"Tell me what you're thinking." Alex said leaning back as Katie folded suit.

"Nothing." She lied.

"I could tell you were thinking about something, you're face gave you away."

"It was just stuff about today," she paused taking another bite from her shake, to think of a cover.