Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


"About how much I sold today." She looked the other way again to make sure he couldn't see her. Alex knew it wasn't what she was thinking about, but he didn't push her, in fear of making her angry.

"Katie," Alex watched her turn her head to look at him. "I'm trying not to sound like a cliche idiot. But can we skip the first couple of awkward dates, and go start to boyfriend and girlfriend?" Katie smiled as she watched Alex try to already jump the gun in their relationship.

"That's cool with me." She said smiling slightly, as she thought of how much she liked this. They sat and finished their shakes , as the laughed about stupid things they remembered from before three months ago. But soon the sun was down and you could hear the hoots and hollers from the tour bus.

"Maybe that's our signal to leave." Alex suggest peering down at his empty cup. Katie simply nodded her head and slipped out of the booth.

Alex followed, and quickly wrapped his arm around her waist. She smiled and as they walked back to the tour buses. When they passed people many of them turned around to take a second look. Almost everyone on the tour knew how much Katie was upset with Alex, so it must have been a strange sight to see. But both Alex and Katie tried to ignore the stares but when Hayley came bounding down the stairs from her bus with a big goofy smile on her face, Katie knew she was going to make a scene.

"Oh Alex and Katie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" she laughed at the kiddish song she sang. Alex smiled as she pinched Katie's cheek.

"You're scaring Katie." Alex said trying to tug Katie away from Hayley. He didn't want this to be a big deal, and he didn't want to ruin this before it even started.

"I'm not scaring Katie. But Alex, you're dating Katie which I so totally knew would happen."

"Oh did you?" Alex asked as he started leading Katie away.

"Dur." Hayley said knowing that she was really annoying Alex. She found it funny how he kept pulling Katie away.

Hayley decided to let them go, but Katie could feel the questions Hayley had going on in her head.

When the new couple walked past, they were both unaware of the people taking bets on how long they'd last.

The numbers weren't high.

When Zack saw them walk on the bus holding hands, he started to feel sick to his stomach. Something didn't seem right. Zack felt like his was really losing his best friend. He left like he hasn't really seen her in days. Zack started to envy Alex as he saw them both walk right past him. Zack wanted both Alex and Katie to be happy, but just not together.

When Katie finally made it to her bunk she turned toward Alex with a goofy smile.

"I like you." She said still smiling.

"I like you." Alex mocked her. He brought his hand to her face to brush a piece of hair away. Her cheek was warm compared to his hand. He wanted it to leave it there forever, but Katie was already responding to Rian's calls from the back room. She quickly turned and saw a plastic guitar sitting next to him.

Katie smiled and picked up the guitar and sat down.

"Are we staying in tonight?"

"No, I just want to kick your ass, because I always lose to everyone else." Katie laughed but still played to make Rian happy.

"So are you and Alex official yet?" Rian asked half way through the song. He wanted to be casual, as if he didn't really care, and he was just making small talk.

"Umm, I guess." Katie said already hearing the rumors forming about her. How she goes from one guy to the next in the same band. She didn't really want to talk about it. The more she thought about her and Alex the more she thought that they already missed their turn to be together. Like the Alex and Katie boat had set sail along time ago, with out them. But now they're trying to make it on a small life boat. Life boats never work.

It's easy to say that Katie lost, by a lot. She did worse than normal and Rian noticed. She had almost a blank stare on her face. Rian looked out the window as he saw people walking by probably going to some party.

"Hey you alright, Katie?" Katie snapped her head toward Rian and just simply nodded her head. But she quickly stood up and started to head out.

"Where you going?" Alex asked as Katie looked for her cell phone.

"Hayley." She simply said as she found it and turned away from him. Alex nodded his head as he just thought Katie couldn't wait to tell her the knew about them being together.

But Zack saw the worried look in her eyes as she darted past him.

"Hey Katie!" he almost shout, but the bus door was already closing behind him.

Zack turned around to look at Alex who had this cocky smile on his face, as he read a magazine. Zack knew Alex wasn't right for Katie. And Zack knew Katie was also figuring that out. He was just upset that she wasn't going to him for advice.