Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


"Can we talk?" Katie opened her eyes and looked at Zack kneeling down in front of her bunk.

Katie pulled off her headphones and started to get out of the bunk. The look on Zack's face worried her, and she was fearing bad news. More bad news to pile onto her pile of mess.

"Let's take a walk," Zack said walking in front of Katie as the exited the bus, and the grounds.

He didn't look back at her because he was still trying to figure out what to say to her. When he had passed the gates, he slowed his pace to match her's. Katie was sure that Zack had taken her on this walk to yell at her for something she didn't realize she was doing.

"What did you want to talk about?" she asked casually; trying to act like she had no clue.

"Are you mad at me?" Zack asked. He didn't really know how to beat around the bush, and he figured the faster he got this over with the faster he could fix it.

He couldn't stand having Katie, his best friend, be mad at him. He didn't understand what he had done to deserve the cold shoulder she had been giving him, but he didn't like it.

"What are you talking about?" she asked giving him a puzzled look.

Katie started to wonder if he was playing some trick, like he usually did when they fought. He would say something, that got her to admit everything, and then he'd use it against her.

"Katie this has to be the first time we've talked in a week, and we sleep on the same bus," Zack stated getting slightly annoyed that she's denying everything.

"You're the one that's mad, I've been avoiding you because you've been sending me death glares all week," Katie said kicking a empty soda can onto the street.

Zack stared at her as they kept walking. Katie had her head hung low as she tried not to make Zack hate her anymore.

"I don't think I was glaring, I was just worried," Zack mumbled.

"Why would you, of all people, be worried?" she asked finally looking up but only to find Zack's head was hung low now.

" I don't want to lose you again," Zack said picking at his nails.

He was never good with these types of talks. He never liked to show his feelings if they were something other than happiness or anger.

"You're not going to lose me, Zack. I know the distance is going to suck, but you'll always be my best friend," Katie said wrapping both her arms around his.

"I'm already losing you. You go to Hayley now for advice, you don't even bother to talk to me, and now you're with Alex," he said Alex's name a little harsher than intended.

"Is this what the talk is about? Alex?" Katie knew that there was something deeper.

"More like you and Alex together. I just don't like it," Zack suddenly felt ashamed.

He was trying to talk his best friend out of dating his other best friend, just so he could be happy.

"You know you're have to give me more than that, Zack," she said as she looked around. It was late and the sun had set but it was still light out.

"You know just as well as me that Alex's going to break your heart," Zack said looking the opposite direction of Katie. He could feel he stare on the side of his face, but he couldn't look back at her.

Katie looked away and both of them kept walking in silence. Katie wanted to laugh at how odd this all was. She wasn't even dating him for more than a couple hours, and already she wanted nothing more than to break up with him.

"This is so fucked up," Katie said once she realized they were all the way back at the grounds.

"I'm sorry," Zack said rubbing his arm.

The both looked ahead, and saw Alex making his way toward them.

"Zack, you're not going to lose me," Katie stated. But right when she said that she remembered how she had said the same thing to Steve, and look at where she's at.

"You're my best friend," Zack muttered childishly.

"And you're my best friend, and I wouldn't want it any other way. Even if it means I have to break up with Alex," Katie said wrapping her arms around his waist.

"I don't want you to break up with Alex."

"Yes you do, but I can't, so you're going to have to bear with me for awhile. Can you handle that?" Katie asked looking up at Zack.

Zack looked down at her and then over her shoulder at Alex who was only a couple yards away.

"I guess I have no choice," he muttered.

"Hey guys," Alex was finally in ear's reach and Katie pulled away from Zack.

"Hey," Zack said forcing a smile as he watched Alex wrap his arms around Katie and kiss the top of her head.

He tried to tell him self that Alex could change. But then a voice in his head reminded him: This is Warped Tour, and she lives in Chicago.

Zack knew they wouldn't last long.
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Comments make me want to update! ; )