Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


"How's Charlie?" Katie asked sitting on the grass in front of her bus.

"He's holding up. He's in pain, but he's hiding it. So he's spending the weekend with his little brother," Steve said into the phone.

He was sitting on his bed, looking at the picture of them two.

"That should be good for him." Steve wasn't paying attention to a word she was saying, all he was thinking about how big of an idiot he was to let her go.

"How are you holding up?" Katie didn't tell Steve about her being with Alex because after a week of being an item, things weren't that different than before. Well other than the occasional make out sessions, things were the same.

"Things are going good here. I actually have a tan!" Katie said excitedly staring at her tan arm.

"You tan? I don't think I could believe that." Steve laughed as he looked at Katie's pale skin in the picture.

"Yeah, things have changed," Katie sighed falling back onto the grass.

Steve also sighed. He knew that Katie was dating Alex. Monica had told him, and he was mad that Katie hadn't told him yet. He was hoping that she just assumed he already knew.


"You know Steve I have to go. I'll talk to you later, I have to go."

Steve sighed a goodbye and hung up his phone. He looked at the picture,

and knew that he had made a big mistake.

Katie looked over at Alex who just joined her laying in grass.

"Who was that?" Alex asked reaching for a piece of Katie's hair to play with.

"Steve," Katie said rolling over to face Alex.

She wasn't going to lie to Alex, because she didn't do anything wrong.

He just nodded his head, he knew that Katie still spoke to him, but he kept telling himself, that she was here with him, not back in Chicago.

"I should really go help Matt. But I don't really want to," Katie said pressing her forehead against Alex's.

"You should really just come back on the bus with me."

"Oh really?" Katie smiled as she knew that sex was the only thing on Alex's mind.

Katie wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him on the cheek.

"I really have to go do my job." Katie pulled away from Alex and got up to run toward All Time Low's tent.

Alex sat up and watched Katie disappear into the crowd of people.

Alex knew that Katie didn't think they were going to last after the summer, but Alex had a plan to make her think otherwise.


"Hey girl, Hey," Katie said sitting down next to Matt as he counted shirts in a box.

"You know, I don't appreciate you calling me a girl. It's really rude," Matt said trying to not lose focus on his counting.

"Five, twelve, twenty, fourteen, nineteen!" Katie laughed at Matt sighed in frustration and glared at her.

"Why are you being so mean to me?" he asked with a slight pout.

"I'm not mean," Katie shrugged her shoulders. " I just really like those numbers." Matt threw his pen at her and set his clipboard on top of the box.

"You know," he started stepping backwards smiling. "This is your job, not mine. So get counting woman."

"But I can't count!" She whined getting up from her seat to wrap her arms around Matt in an attempt to keep him to say.

"No, it's your job merch girl," Matt unwrapped her arms from his waist.

He laughed as Katie sat on the hard ground and pouted.

"Don't you wish you took me up on my offer?" Alex asked crawling over the table.

Matt gave him a strange look, and then looked back at Katie.

"Ah, man!" he exclaimed after realizing what Alex was talking about. "No sex on the bus, it's to hot, and then the smell will just sink into everything." Matt shook his head with disgust as he left the tent.
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Can someone say, Extremely short? =( sorry.