Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


"You know I do enjoy this," Alex said in between kisses, as he slid his
hand under Katie's shirt.

"I figured," Katie laughed as she lifted her hips up against Alex's.
He let out a groan as Katie grind against him.

Alex started to bite her neck as he used his free hand to unbutton her

"Don't," Katie said pushing his hand away.

Being right under him in his small bunk, Katie had to close her eyes not to see Alex.

"Why not? No one is on the bus."

"That's not the point Alex. I don't want to have sex with you for the first time in a three by six bunk," Katie huffed pushing Alex off her
and getting out of the bunk.

"Don't be mad," he said hopping out of the bunk and after Katie.

He wrapped his arms around her small frame; she didn't try to fight

"I'm sorry, I'm a guy, I can't help myself," he whispered into Katie's ear.

"You're a pig," she muttered turning around and burying her head into
his neck.

"I know, and I don't deserve you."

"I just want things to be nice, I mean at least in a hotel room."

"Why didn't you tell me. I can have one in no time," Alex said pressing his lips on top of her head.

Alex pulled away from Katie and ran off the bus.

Katie laughed to herself as she watched Alex get over excited about the news. She flopped down onto the couch.

She let out a whine when the seat started to make her legs sweat, and stick to the seat. She got up and stretched looking around the newly cleaned bus. She had spent two hours throwing out the crap on the floor, but once she was done she realized it would all come back.

The door opened and Rian came strolling on with a smirk on his face.

"You know Alex would kill someone if you asked him to?" Katie gave him a strange look but couldn't ask because Alex came flying onto the bus.

"Go pack an over night bag, we're staying in a hotel room tonight," Alex said smiling at Katie.

She laughed at his goofy grin and kissed Alex on the cheek.

"You're so adorable."

"No, Katie. He's horny," Rian said laughing until Alex threw a water bottle at him.

"It's true, Darling," Katie said as she started to go back toward her bunk.

"What are you going to pack?" Alex asked following behind her closely.

"Umm, what do you want me to pack?" Katie turned around smiling as she already knew that Alex wanted to pick out everything.
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ughh I'ma so tired I had to stop there.

why do I suck?

hmm you can comment and I'll try to suck less.

wowo dirty.