Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


Katie laid on her side of the bed in the dark. Sometimes she would look over at Alex's sleeping body, and question what she had just done a few hours ago. With his stupid smirk still planted on his face, she wondered if he would tell people. Or if that's all he wanted from this relationship, and he was going to get rid of her in the morning. She tried to tell herself he wouldn't do that to her, but he had done that to every other girl he's slept with.

The worst part was she still had this extreme urge to crawl over to him and wrap herself in his arms. She looked over at the clock and saw that it was only around one am.

Katie scooted down farther into the sheets and shimmied over to him. Gingerly lifting his arm, hoping not to wake him, she slide in between his arm and the bed.

"I was wondering when you were coming over to cuddle," Alex said wrapping his arm around Katie and pulling her closer to him.

He could feel her sigh in relieve as she relaxed in his arms and wrap her own around his upper torso.

"I don't know why you think I don't take this relationship seriously. I probably take it more seriously than you," he said as his thumb moved in a circular movement on Katie's lower back.

"I'm sorry."

"You're different to me this time." Katie wanted to let out a cry.

"That's what you tell all of them."

Alex and Katie stayed quite the rest of the night. Katie didn't fall asleep till around two, and she didn't dare try to see if Alex had fallen asleep or not. Alex not responding to her last comment made her more worried than before. To be with Alex was the one thing she wanted, and now she had it, all she can do is question if it was real. But didn't she know she would have to do this. Deep down even before warped tour, she knew that if they ever got together she'd be questioning their relationship.

Alex's anger was growing with every silent minute that passed. He wanted her to know he wasn't going to be like that, but it wasn't going to happen. She had every right to question their relationship. He's only shown her the "player" side of him. Around two he could feel that
Katie's breath had slowed down meaning she was a sleep. Alex quickly unwrapped his arms from Katie and went to the bathroom.

He looked at his naked frame in the mirror. His hair was a mess considering he had showered before him and Katie went at it. And with it drying in place that Katie's fingers left it, his hair was standing up all over.

He went over to the shower and turned it on. He hoped that the water wouldn't wake up Katie. He stepped into the shower and stood under the water. After four minutes he could see Katie's silhouette on the shower curtain.

Katie quickly pulled part of it back while stepping into the shower with him. Alex didn't bother to say anything but Katie wrapped her arms around his waist he pulled her closer.

"I want to believe you so hard," Katie said. Alex pulled her closer.

"I want you to believe, and I don't know how I'm going to make you. But I will." Katie kissed Alex's chest as she squinted so the water wouldn't get in her eyes.

"Should we get out?" Alex asked running his fingers through Katie's wet hair.

"No. I want to take a bath with you," Katie said moving around Alex to
switch the water from the shower head to the facet.


"I'm not going to lie, I was never a fan of baths until now," Alex said feeling Katie's hand brush against his inner thigh.

"Good." Katie moved closer toward Alex and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you," Alex said once Katie pulled away from their kiss.

"Don't say it unless you mean it, Alex." Katie sat back against the bath wall and stared at him.

"I mean it. I'm not lying when I say it. I've always loved you, I've just had a shitty way of showing it." Alex moved closer to Katie and kissed her neck.
♠ ♠ ♠
sexual I know.

I feel so bad that I haven't updated in god knows how long, but I feel like I say this each time, and everyone comments, and I still don't update on time. =-( I'm so sorry.