Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


"Did you fuck her?" Matt asked Alex as him and the rest of the band was hanging in the bus.

"Dude, shut up," Alex said shoving Matt away.

Zack stared at Alex. A part of him was glad he didn't answer the question, but the other part wanted to know, because Katie wasn't going to tell him.

"That's a no," Matt said laughing and making a crude gesture at Alex.

"Stop it, man," Alex said getting slightly annoyed.

Alex wanted to tell Matt off, and tell him about how they showered together and all the things they did before it, but he knew that if he did it would get back to her and he'd have hell to pay. So he stayed quite and kept his memories to himself.

After a few minutes of silent, beside Jack typing away on the computer, Matt tackled Alex to the ground.

"Come on man, I just want to know how good she is in bed!" he shouted pinning Alex's shoulders to the ground.

During the whole scene everyone missed Katie and Hayley walking onto the bus.

Katie stood with her arms wrapped around her body, as she began to feel awkward. It's strange when your best friends want to know how you are during sex.

"Matt, why don't you ask her yourself?" Hayley piped up stepping forward and taking a water bottle out of Rian's hand.

Matt looked up with his face already red from his wrestle with Alex, but growing a deeper shade when he realized that Katie had heard his demand.

After the whole making fun of Matt, and everyone had settled down, Zack and Jack were doing a vlog for Buzznet.

"You want to go out tonight?" Alex asked running his hand up and down Katie's thigh.

"Umm, I can't; I promised Zack I would go out with him," Katie said looking Zack who was staring at her.

Zack watched Katie shoot down Alex, and he felt bad that he was glad Alex had a disappointed face.

"What if we all go out together?" Alex offered feeling slightly pushed off.

"Well, I told Zack that it would be just us," Katie said feeling bad.

She could feel his hand clam up on her leg.

"Oh, okay," he mumbled pulling his hand away from her leg.

"You ready?" Zack was standing in front of both of them.

Alex looked up at Zack and watched him place his hand on Katie's lower back. Alex watched Katie smile at him, and how Zack was so protective of her.

Alex knew that Zack didn't want them together. But Alex couldn't help but feel like Zack was planning on taking Katie away from him.
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I'm sorry this is short, and kind of sucky.

But my plane is delayed and I felt the need to update. Sorry a head of time for spelling mistakes. But I don't have spell check on my kick.

=( enjoy your small fix.