Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


"I've missed you and I time," Katie said stealing one of Zack's fries. They sat across from each other at Friday's.
"I've missed you. Sometimes I'm not sure if I'm looking at the same Katie I knew in high school." Katie let out a sarcastic laugh.

"What on Earth are you talking about? I'm still the same," she said starting to her soup.

"Well first of all, the old Katie wouldn't try to make Alex jealous by hooking up with Jack, and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't get drunk every night and dance with every guy even if Alex gets mad."

"One that isn't why I hooked up with Jack, two I don't get drunk every night, and three Alex doesn't get mad," Katie said getting upset that Zack keeps on picking on her.

"Alex gets upset, and I get to listen to his drunken rants," Zack said.

"Zack I thought we were done with you yelling at me?" Katie asked.

"I'm not yelling, I'm just concerned. I just I want you to be happy."

"But I am happy, Zack! I don't understand how you can't see that?"

Zack didn't have anything to say. He couldn't say she was lying because she would never speak to him again.

"Zack, why don't you believe me? You wanted me to be with Alex almost five months ago, and now you can't stand that we're together."

"Katie I don't understand what I'm feeling right now I just know-"

"Hey, someone told me I'd find you here," Alex said placing his hand on Katie's shoulder.

Alex had asked around to see if someone had seen where they went, and finally some roadie told him.

"Alex, what are you doing here?" Katie asked as Alex leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

"I came to see you, baby," Alex said scooting in Katie and finishing her soup.

"Umm, Alex I told you that Zack and I were going out alone," Katie said shooting Zack a glance.

"Well, you've been out alone for awhile. Come on can't we hang out?" Alex said wrapping his arm around Katie and stealing Zack's fry.

"Alex, you don't understand," Katie started.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'll leave you two alone. Clearly you two always need to be together," Zack said standing up, and grabbing his hat.

"No wait, Zack," Katie tried to get up but Alex had his hold on her.

"Just stay, he's being pissy," Alex said leaning forward and trying to kiss Katie on the head.

"No, just stop. I need to talk to him," Katie said pushing him away and climbing over the booth.

Katie ran out the door and saw that Zack was walking away from where the buses were.


"Just go back to him."

"Zack, please wait!"

"Just forget it, Katie."

"Damnit, Zack. Fucking stop!" That made him stop.

Zack knew that Katie had no idea what she was doing, but it was killing him.

"Zack, please talk to me. I don't understand why you can't talk to me."

"Because he's always there! He's always showing up and pushing me away."

Katie stood shocked as Zack finally said he was still worried about being pushed away.

"Zack, I love you so much. How can you think that I'd ever push you away? You're my best friend."

"Oh yeah, how about those three months you left? You left because of him remember? How can you say you'll not push me away. After this tour you'll either go back to Chicago, or back to Alex and you'll never have time for me."

Katie didn't know what to say. Tour is almost over and Katie still hasn't thought of where she would go.

"Zack, I don't know what I'm going to do after tour, but I promise you and I will always be best friends," Katie said stepping closer to Zack to give him a hug.

Zack stood there for a moment before he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her closer to him.

They stood their making their promises to eachother, while Alex sat at Friday's. He was left to pay their bill, and question what was going on between Zack and Katie.
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DRAMA. I meant to get this out last night, but I forgot I had summer school homework. I know that pretty much blows.

I hope you like! Comment please!