Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


"Oh, I'm going to miss you so much, Hayley!" Katie said wrapping her arms around around Hayley and pulling her closer.

"I know, we have to keep in touch! And I hope everything goes well," she said pulling away and smiling.

"Yeah, me too," Katie said sighing.

"Well I have to go plan my future now," Katie mumbled as she turned and walked away from the Paramore bus.

"Ready to go?"

Katie quickly turned around and smiled as Zack stood in front of her.

"I am. I'm kind of getting sick of this tour," she said as she linked arms with him and they both walked to the bus.

"I would have to agree with you. I can't wait to lay in my bed and sleep."

"Ah, my own bed, how I miss it so much," she said clinging to his arm as they walked onto the bus.

"Ready to roll?" Jack asked jumping in front of them.

"Hey, who trusted you with the tickets?" Katie said snatching the tickets out of his hand.

"I found them on the table," he said with a smug look.

"Right," Zack said laughing as Alex came out with his shirt off.

"Hey have you guys seen the tickets? They were in my bag and, of you have them," he said smiling.

He walked over to her and pressed his lips against hers as she shot Jack a questioning look.

"Our ride is going to be here soon," Katie said smiling as she went into the back and grabbed her bag.

"Yeah, so here's your tickets, guys," Alex said handing out their tickets.

Zack took his and looked at Katie as she walked out with a smile.

He smiled at her as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Try not to miss me too much," she said as she pulled away.

Zack laughed as Alex butted in between them and wrapped his arm around Zack.

"Sweetheart, he'll miss me more," Alex said pressing his lips against Zack's cheek.

Katie smiled happily as she watched the two of them actually get along like they used to.

Katie had found the two of them sitting under a tent talking two days ago, and she realized that she had walked in on them discussing what had happened in the the past six months, and they had grown apart because of a misunderstanding.

"I guess we'll see you guys in a few weeks," Alex said handing Katie her plane ticket.

She looked at the writing and smiled at the word Chicago printed on the piece of paper.

"Are you ready, Alex?" Katie asked considering Alex had the same word printed on his ticket.

"Yeah," he nodded.

They both said goodbye to the rest of the guys. They both stepped off the bus and Alex turned to smile at Katie.

"You nervous?" he asked pressing his lips against her head.

"A little, but thank you for coming with me to get my things," she said making sure she was close enough to Alex.

"I'm just glad you chose to come home with me."

"I'm sure you're not the only one who's glad," Katie said stepping into the car that was waiting for them.

"How'd Monica take it?"

"She was sad, but she understood. And I mean I'll still go and visit her," Katie said as Alex closed the door leaving the troubles of Warped Tour behind them, and restarting their relationship with out any problems.

"Everything is going to be fine," Alex said as he watched Katie stare out the window.

"I know, I'm just glad that everything is going to better after this."
♠ ♠ ♠
Awww, that's the end. I honestly never saw myself finishing this.

Comments are nice, and I think I'll do a sequel only if you ask for one.