Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


Katie was sitting on Zack's family couch confessing how in love she is with Alex Gaskarth. How much she loved his touch. Zack would sit in the reclining chair next to the couch with a stunned face. He couldn't help but be surprised. But he soon found the reason why Katie was so clingy to Alex. She had told Zack what Daniel had did to her and he couldn't help but feel bad. Tissues were scattered around the table and Katie was having trouble breathing.

"Katie, Daniel doesn't deserve you, and if you have those feeling for Alex than you should tell him how you feel. I mean I saw the way he looked at you today."

"I don't know Zack. What would happen if he doesn't feel the same way. It would ruin everything."

"It won't trust me. You just have to have a little faith." He looked at his watch. He didn't want rush Katie but if the didn't leave soon they would be late for sound check. Katie caught him looking at his watch and felt horrible making him sit there on his first day home to listen to her sob story.

"Oh Zack, I'm sorry for making you listen to me. I'm such a jerk. And now I'm making you late to sound check." She stood up gathering her tissues and throwing them out in the kitchen waste basket.

"Lets go." She grabbed her phone and rubbed her eyes." Zack smiled at her as he could see how hard she tried to make things seem normal. But he could see deep down that she wanted nothing more than to go lay down.

"Katie you want me to have Matt do the merch tonight. You can stay at my house while we're back in Maryland."

"You're to nice to me Zack." She walked over to him and hugged him.

"Okay, Okay. Lets go." He pulled away and reached for the keys. Alex was the first to be picked up and as he got into the van he couldn't help but see Katie and Zack smiling. But he didn't care because he had a plan to get his heart off of Katie. He would find someone from his hometown and find himself a girl.

He is into hook ups and one night stands but now he's going to have a relationship. Soon Jack and Rian were both in the car and everyone was having a good time. Everyone was trying to sing along to the songs on the radio but underneath that Katie was nervous and jittery. Zack was worried that his advice to Katie might build false hopes. Alex was going through a list of girls that went to their school. Rian and Jack had no idea what was going on.

"Are we picking up Matt?" Katie knew that Matt was coming on the last end of the tour. He took sometime off for himself.

"Yeah we are." Rian had stopped trying to sing to answer her question.

she turned back and offered him a smile. Her eyes landed on Alex and he turned to look at her. He couldn't help but look at her. He might not want to have feelings for her, but that doesn't mean he can't look. She offered a smile hoping to get the same response or more, but he just turned his head and stared out the window. She turned back around and shot Zack a worried look. He saw what happened in the rear view mirror and now he was growing worried that Katie was going to have her heart broken. Zack knew Katie the best out of all the guys. He knew that she couldn't stand to be near Alex if he turned her down. And that would me they would be out of a merch girl, and maybe a friend.

Soon they were at Matt's house and he had a duffel bag and a video camera in hand. Rian had moved back a seat so Matt could sit in the front seat. After Matt had put his bag in the back he climbed in next to Alex. He leaned over the seat to say his hellos to Rian and Jack and then he did a, in Katie's mind, manly hand jive. He patted Zack on the shoulder and turned towards Katie.

"Ahh, Katie. You are looking beautiful as always." She had to blush.

Matt was the sweetest boy on the planet. And he was never rude to Katie. Alex couldn't help but see Katie smile and blush at the fact that Matt called her beautiful. He just needed to get out of the van and find himself a girl.

Soon enough they had arrived to place they were playing. All the boys would unload the gear and Katie was would unload the Merch. Even though Matt was their Merch/Tour manager Katie would take charge of the Merch table because Matt tended to be lazy. Soon enough the boys were unloaded and Katie was moving her last box. The box was a big one and Katie was such a tiny girl she was struggling to even stand.

"Can I get a little help here?!" She shouted from behind the box.

Alex saw her and tried his hardest not to pay attention to her when she was in trouble. He walked past her and huffed as he heard her cry his name.

"Wow. Wow. Katie, girly, be careful we don't want a death by a box." He took the box from Katie like it was a rag doll.

He patted her head but she was to busy looking at Alex. Why wouldn't he help her. Alex could sense someone staring at him and when he turned around he wished he didn't. Katie was standing there looking like she was about to kill him with her stare and Zack. Zack was standing there smiling at Katie, until he looked up at Alex. His smile dropped at the site of him and he had realized what happened. He pulled at Katie's arm and they walked away together. Alex saw what had just happened. They probably both knew that Alex liked Katie, and that's why they kept it a secret. Right now Alex wanted nothing more than to bash in Zack's teeth.

On stage Alex wasn't himself and neither was Zack. They hardly interacted. Alex who usually would stare at Katie,as she sung along while she sold merch, but know he was looking for a new girl to call his own. Matt was also helping with the merch table to it made things a lot easier.

"So Katie." Matt said as he leaned back in his chair. The line was gone and no one was there.

"So Matt." She replied staring at Matt with a smile.

"Is it true you're going to ask out Alex after the show?" He had a huge grin on his face. But Katie, she was shocked. How did he find out? And then it hit her and she wiped around and saw Zack Merrick staring right back at her. He gave her a toothy smile and Katie shook her head at him.

"Son of a bitch." She said turning back to Matt who was smiling like an idiot.

"Don't look at me like that!" She yelled trying to push Matt but only falling over herself.

"Thank guys and goodnight!" Katie turned around to see Alex waving to the crowd and pushing past Jack and Zack to get off stage.

"Well missy, you better go get your man before all these girls get to him." Katie was starting to get more nervous. She wasn't quite sure what she was going to say to him. She took in a few breaths and debated on what to do. What if he found out somehow that she was going to tell him how she feels and he was avoiding her because he doesn't want to lead her on? These things were going through her mind, but she didn't notice that she was already walking towards backstage and flashing her pass. First she found Rian. He smiled and was shouting something that she couldn't understand.

"I need to find Alex." She shouted to Rian. He made an 'Oh' mouth and gave her a thumbs up.

She shook her head. How come everyone found out? Soon enough she passed Jack and he had his arm wrapped around his girlfriend's shoulder. Soon she could see Zack in the middle of a group of girls.

"Katie!" He waved his hands as he tried to push his way through the crowd.

"I need to find-" She stopped as she turned to see Alex.

But he was with her friend Peggy from High School. She was on his lap and they were almost fucking on the couch. Katie stood there and inhaled deeply. She looked towards the ceiling trying not to cry.

"Katie!" Zack came colliding into her. She almost fell but she didn't. She pushed Zack off her and as she looked up at him, she knew that he had known about Alex. By now the tears were pouring and Alex was watching the whole scene. He saw Katie take a deep breath and unhook her pass.

"I can't do this, now." She held out her pass to Zack. He looked dumbfounded. Alex pulled away from Peggy and he saw this all happen. He thought the he was watching Zack and Katie break up.

"No. Come on Katie. Don't do this. Not because of -" He cut off and looked right at Alex.

He glared. Katie let out a wail and pushed passed Zack running. Zack broke the stare between Alex and him and chased after Katie. Alex smiled to himself as he saw Katie get what she deserved. He turned towards Peggy who had a worried look on her face.

"Do you think she's alright?" Peggy was wasted and Alex could smell and taste the booze on her breath.

"Who the fuck cares." He crashed his lips onto hers. By the morning Alex hoped wouldn't remember a thing.