Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


Katie had been in the back of the bus for awhile now. They had a long trip ahead of them almost six hours of driving up to Minneapolis. Zack had left the back loft and closed the door behind him. He looked down as he walked up to the front of the bus.

"How is she?" Jack asked looking up from a bowl of cereal.

"She cried herself to sleep." Zack said flopping himself down next to Alex who tried to focus on a magazine that was in front of him.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea." Alex had finally said. He didn't want to see Katie like this, if that meant he could see her.

"No, it was a good idea. But that dick ruined it. She hates him now. She told me about 30 times. She'll calm down once we get to Minnesota." Zack said trying to reassure his friend.

"Right." Rian also said nodding his head.

"Does that mean back loft is off limits for the night?" Jack asked. Everyone knew he only wanted to go back there to play video games.

"I guess. Unless you want to put the game on mute. And deal with her when she wakes up." Zack shrugged his shoulders and reached over Alex to grab the box of gushers.

"I'll take my chances." He stood up and walked into the back of bus. He opened up the door, walked in and closed it. He turned around to see Katie sitting up in bed playing guitar hero.

"You wanna play?" She asked not taking her eyes off the screen.

"Yeah." He walked over and sat next to hear. He grabbed the other guitar as Katie went back to the main menu.

"You weren't sleeping?"

"He wouldn't leave." Jack laughed at Katie as she shook her head.

She didn't want to be rude and tell him to leave but she kind of wanted him to stop petting her arm and telling her everything is going to be okay. Katie knew everything was going to be fine. But it hurt what he did and she need to let it out of her system.

"Can I turn up the volume?" Jack asked reaching for the control.

"No." He flinched his hand back. The last thing he wanted was to make a this girl mad.

"I'm kidding, Jack." Katie smiled as she watched Jack's face go from completely pale to bright red.

"You're mean." He stuck out his tongue.

"I love you." She pulled it.

"Hey I thought I said put it-you're up Katie." They both looked over their shoulders and saw Zack standing in the door.

"I'm up." She said nodding her head smiling at him.

"You're not going to rip us apart? Do you want to go back home?"

"No. I want to stay." She nodding her head.

"OMGASH! YOU LOVE US!" She was soon tackled by Jack and a guitar. Soon it turned into a wrestling match with plastic guitars in the middle. Alex and Rian heard all the noise and started to head towards the back. Zack pushed the door open wider so all three boys could watch. Jack was now on top of Katie, guitar still on his body.

"You so cheated!" Katie yelled trying to break away from his grip.

"Katie, I always win our wrestling matches. Ever since high school." Jack stated laughing as he watch Katie struggle below him.

"Okay, okay. Get off me." She laughing now. Jack had let go of Katie and she wiggled her way out from under him.

"Umm, Katie?" Her head snapped in the other direction as Alex spoke to her. She had complete forgotten about him. She stared at him as he spoke.

"You're bleeding." He pointed to her arm where a small amount of blood was trickling down her arm.

"Damn you, Jack." She said standing up on the bed and walking into up to the door.

"You guys have a first aid kit?" Zack looked at all the guys and all of them shrugging their shoulders.

"No." Alex said making way for her to get out of the back room.

"There's the bathroom." He pointed towards a door as she walked past him. She mumbled a thanks as she walked past him and made her way into the bathroom. When she shut the door behind her she almost wanted to scream.

How come he was being so nice to her? How come his didn't have some bimbo on his arm. She held some toilet paper to her cut as she leaned against the smallest bathroom counter in the world. She huffed and just stood there thinking about how Alex hasn't change appearance wise. She heard a knock on the door and it opened.
Alex's head popped in.

"We found a first aid kit." He said holding up a box.

Katie moved so he could step in. This had the be the smallest bathroom in the world. Alex struggled opening it and when he did everything went flying everywhere. Katie let out a small laugh as Alex's face flushed with embarrassment.

"Come on, Alex. It was funny." Katie said trying to bend down to pick up the band aids on the floor.

"It was kind of funny." He said nodding his head and also picking up the things the flew into the sink area. He put them back into the box as did Katie.

"You need help?" he asked watching Katie struggle to put a band aid on her arm.

"Yeah." She said holding out the band aid and her arm. Alex struggled to find away to put it on because of the lack of space.
When he finally did Katie pulled back her arm and examined his work.

"Maybe you should have been a doctor." She said smiling and looking up at Alex who had a blank stare on his face.

"I was kidding, Alex." She said noticing that he was giving her the same stare. He couldn't quite understand what was happening. She was acting like things never went wrong. And then he just blurted everything out.

"I thought you were dating Zack." After he said that his eyes went wide as if that would some how take back what he said. Katie not understanding why he would think that or even bring that up.

"I haven't seen Zack, in three months. How could we be dating?" She asked.

"No, I mean when you left. I kind of thought you two were dating, but broke up. That's why I thought you were crying." He said said looking down at his feet.

Katie had gone over this with Monica already. Katie knew that Zack had probably told Alex already that she had liked him. But she had planned to play things off as if it was only a school girl crush and what happened was a thing of the past.

"Oh, so that's why you sat their smiling with Peggy on your lap?"

"I'm sorry. I was jealous."

"Of what?"

"I was jealous because I thought you were Zack's girl." Katie twitched her lips to the side and shrugged.

"That sucks, because I really liked you." She said openly as possible but still trying to sound as if this whole thing didn't matter.

"You did?"

"Yes. I liked you a lot, but hey it doesn't matter now, right? Thing of the past? We can just pretend like it never happened and be friends?"

"Oh, so you don't like me anymore?" Alex crushed. He and Zack had planned on Katie still having feeling towards him.

"Well, of course not silly. I mean you have Peggy, and-"

"I'm not with Peggy." He said cutting her off in hopes of that being the only reason why she didn't like him.

"Oh. I'm kind of hungry." She said holding her hand to her stomach. She had to change the subject before any words were said that wasn't planned to be said.