Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


Warped tour was like no tour Katie had ever been on. It was always hot, you were always sweaty. But it was amazing. Katie loved it. She was so glad she went. Just one week into tour and she already stored Steve away in her mind. Pretending not to be mad at Alex was much easier than she had thought. They seemed to act like things were before Katie took off and left. But this time Katie wasn't afraid to touch Alex. Actually, she would hang on Alex whenever she saw him. If they would be sitting Katie always had her legs over his lap. Or if the were standing, Alex would be the one supporting her body weight. But Alex wasn't complaining. But he was also taking this as a different sign of affection. He had tried many times to make a move on her, but it seemed like she always out of reach.

Katie knew Alex was taking her actions the wrong way, and she was sure that in the pit of her stomach she felt bad, but it was to easy for Katie to ignore it.

Katie's summer wasn't going the way she planned, but it was going better. She loved the heat, the sweaty boys, the tour bus, which she dreamed about, and the parties. Those were her favorite. Someone always brought guitars, but they would be abandoned once the booze started flowing faster. Katie was never the one to turn down a dance and she soon became known as 'dance partner'. We she would sit behind a plastic folding table, and boys would walk past and smile while calling her that. She would smile back, wave and rake through her brain for there names.

Sitting behind her post she drummed her fingers on the table, trying to find something to do. Right now All Time Low was playing so business right now was slow. She leaned back in her chair and let out a yawn. She watched as kids walk around in front of her. Some had smiles and others didn't. Most were just covered in sweat but there was few that would walk past cover in dirt and blood. Those were Katie's favorite kind of kids. The ones that found joy in getting the shit beaten out of them. And when they would stop by the tent, Katie couldn't help but ask them how it was.

"Katie, you're suppose to be selling our stuff. Not sit next to it." She turned to see a sweaty Jack smiling at her.

"I was but all your fans were watching you."

"I know. Hey can I have a hug?" He asked after he had his arms around her.

"Ew, Jack I swear I'm gonna kill you. I can feel your armpit sweat on my shoulder!" he laughed and pulled away.

"You're not going to kill me! Who would you snuggle with at night, if you did?" He smiled and pushed his lips on hers, but just as quickly pulled them away.

Katie always kept secrets when it came to relationships, and Jack's arms around her in the middle of the night was a secrets she didn't want getting out.

"Don't, Jack." She whined looking around see if anyone was staring. Katie and Jack were always friends. Always, but it seemed like warped tour shone the light on each other in a different way. And they couldn't seem to keep their hands off each other. But this was only in the confinement of their bunks.

"No one was watching. And it doesn't matter if anyone was." Jack said leaning, and half sitting on the table. He really liked Katie but she didn't want anyone to find out. And when he said anyone he meant Alex. Jack was jealous of Alex. Sure Jack had his fans, but every girl wanted in on Alex's pants even Katie. But Jack knew she wouldn't admit it. So he figured as long as she didn't admit it he had clear sailing. Jack and Alex weren't ones to let girls get in the way of their friendship. But Alex didn't know about this girl. As much as Jack wanted to be open about this he knew he couldn't if Alex still liked Katie.

He never talked about her with anyone except Zack. But they did talk a lot. Jack sat down in the folding chair next to Katie as she sold merch to the kids coming in. The girls who bought shirts didn't even give Jack a second glance. Katie frowned at that. She wasn't one to assume but the first to the merch table after the show were either true fans that preferred to be on the out skirts of the pit, or people who were there just to be there.

"Jack Jack."

"Katie Kat." He shot back, yet still being in his own little mind. Before she could say something four boys stormed into the tent and things seemed to be tens times more cramped.

"Since Matt is here does that mean I can leave?" Katie asked standing up.

"No sit." She was pushed down into her seat and felt weight on her lap. Alex found it suitable to use her as a seat. He laughed and so did she but she tried to push him off with a lame attempt. When Alex was near, Katie almost forgot Jack. But the key word was almost. As the kids started to pour in the boys were to busy signing clothing and skin, to pay attention to Katie. But she didn't mind. She rested her head on Alex's back and made funny faces at Rian as he attempted to have a conversation with a fan, with out yelling at Katie to stop.

"Seriously, Katie. You look so fucked up when you do that." He said signing a shirt. Not to be mean but many people never quite cared about drummers. You knew who were the true fans were when they talked to everyone. Even Matt and Katie sometimes. Those were also Katie's favorite kids. But she always felt bad when the kids come and still ask for is autograph, but only because they almost felt bad for not knowing him.

"I think drummers and fucking rad." Katie stated as she leaned over towards Rian, when one girl had passed him up for a signing. Alex looked over at to see Rian smiling and Katie making one of her stupid faces. Alex seemed to see everything the wrong way. He quickly shifted his weight on Katie's lap.

"Ow, you fat fuck. That hurt." Katie said giving her attention back to Alex.

"Katie, if I'm fat then so are you, because I'm wearing your pants. But I'll admit they're a little tight." Alex said smiling.

"Argh, stop wearing my pants! I only brought a couple pair!" she yelled pushing him.

But this time with more force. He flew off her lap not expecting that. All the boys laughed and Alex's body went onto the table which earned a few giggles from girls. Katie stood up before he had a chance to sit back down on her lap. She knew better than to sit on Jack's lap but she didn't seem to care and the moment. She settled herself on his lap and leaned her head back closing her eyes. She knew she would earn a few glares from girls but she knew she would also earn a few more kisses from Jack.

Zack had watched this all go down and tried to figure out if it was his place to tell Alex, that Rian wasn't cheating on his girlfriend with Katie, but she was actually sneaking kisses with their newly single Jack. Zack had woken up a few nights ago to the sound of giggling below him and at first he thought nothing of it till he could her the sucking of skin and the moans of Katie.