Sequel: This Modern Love

And I Know It's a Wonderful World


Katie sighed out of boredom for the twentieth time in thirty minutes. See, warped tour was awesome for bands because they only had to work for around an hour and then they were off the hook for the rest of the day. But Katie, was stuck at the merch table for the whole day. Selling merch to sweaty kids, that were having the time of their life. Katie enjoyed working on Warped, but she also enjoyed when the boys would pack up the tent and she would go sleep for half an hour. But right now Katie was sitting on a folding chair and waiting for a boy to decide what shirt his girlfriend would want. Katie closed her eyes, and tried to zone out, but it was always hard when kids were screaming constantly and music was always playing.

"She likes the boy who lives downstairs, she loves the way he combs his hair, and the way he sits out after night and rocks out under the porch light." Katie sang to herself as she got a sudden burst of energy when the boy was paying her. He gave her a strange look but quickly vanished into the crowd and Katie never saw him again.

"Sooo, my cute merch girlie, how are you holding up?" Katie turned to see Jack walking in from behind the tent and he held out a bottle of water to her.

"She's cranky, and wants to go lay down." Katie huffed leaning her head on the freshly cleaned Jack. And she took notice.

"You showered!" She looked at him amazed.

"All for you." He smiled and moved his hand up her thigh.

"Jack, don't. Not here." She pleaded as he squeeze her leg, and watched her squirm in her seat.

"I know not here! Anyone could totally film us, Oh gosh wouldn't it suck if we had sex and someone video taped it and everyone in our family watched it?!" It seemed to Katie that he got excited a little to much with this.

"Yeah, Jack. That would really suck."He smiled and removed his hand from her leg but wrapped it around her waist.

"Okay, this is my plan. Everyone is going to go to the party tonight, but you and me will stay on the bus."

"Hmm? Why? I wanna get in on Fat Mike's Poker game!"

"Katie, you, me, on the bus, and alone." He looked at her as if she was hit in the head.

"Oh, alone." They both smiled at this.