Little J


Little J was a dreamer. The worlds she created were usually nonsense but to her, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was the no.2 pencil in her right hand, and the blank sheet of paper in her left. She placed the paper down on the table and started how she always started - with a little monster in the center of the page. She’d sit there for hours, days, if she were never told to wash up for dinner, or clean her room. The little dark haired wonder was a creative blessing. She was the most wonderful little being to walk the earth, yet with a brain like hers, she was seen as crazy, bonkers, mad. The voices were her life and with them, she was the most beautiful artist to ever sketch a line.
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First drabble I've written in probably a year. And I'm aware that the layout sucks; I still don't know how to make them. -.- <3