‹ Prequel: Sherlock's Girl

The New Generation

School is a bore?

The next morning, Sapphire got up, got dressed, and got ready for school. She only had a few weeks left till summer. But that was filled with year 10 exams, which were far too easy for her. Sherlock had told Sapphire that during the summer they could go on holiday to the Valleys of Wales. So the trio could get away from the busy London and Sherlock could get away from Mycroft, who was currently driving both, Sherlock and Sapphire crazy.
The electricity was still not working so all the food in the fridge was starting to go off. Luckily Sapphire didn't eat breakfast, she asked Mrs Hudson to possibly go and get something before John woke up.
Sherlock, like every morning was up and dressed to take Sapphire to school. He accompanied her to school for two reasons; 1- he wanted to make sure she got there safely, 2- he didn't quite trust her not to bunk off school.
They left the flat and got into a cab. They arrived, as always, not a minute or after the bell. Sapphire got out of the cab and said goodbye to Sherlock. Sherlock waited until she was through the gates before he told the cab driver to take him back to Baker Street.
Morning lessons want on for what seemed like forever for Sapphire. She always finished the work with the first 20 minutes, meaning she had 40 minutes to read. At first the teachers didn't know what to do with Sapphire. They had been warned by her guardian that she was intelligent, but didn't expect her to be that intelligent. Eventually they just let her do her own thing once she had finished the work.
At lunch, she brought an apple, and headed to her usual lunch time spot. It was an abandoned class room with she had found on her first day at the school. Seeing as she didn't get on with anyone she decided this would become her spot, where she would go for lunch and any lessons she felt like bunking.
She opened the door, placing her bag by the side of the door in the pitch black classroom, before hitting the light switch. As the lights flickered on Sapphire saw it lying in the middle of the floor. Without taking another step she grabbed her bag turned around and walked calmly to the front office. She knocked on the head’s office door. When she answered the door Sapphire simple uttered the words “follow me” and lead the head to the room.
When they returned to the room, Sapphire pointed to the door. The head opened the door and screamed when she saw the dead body in the middle of the room. “I came here to eat my lunch like I normally do Miss, but when I got here I saw and then came straight to fetch you.” Sapphire muttered. The head just nodded at her comment, before running to the office, to tell them to call the police. That was when the chaos started.
Anderson and Lestrade where lead through the school. The school said they didn't want to cause panic among the children, so only let the pair through, for now.
“Who discovered the body?” Lestrade asked the woman, who was guiding them.
“One of our students, Sapphire Doyle. She eats her lunch in the room, and when she went to go in there today found the body.” The woman said, sadness ran through her voice.
They walked for several more minutes before the woman stopped and pointed at a girl surrounded by staff. Lestrade made a decision, he got out his phone and sent and text.
“Need you. Come to the secondary school 20 minutes from yours- Lestrade.”
As he pressed send, they headed towards the girl. The staff members looked up at the men. “Her guardian is on his way.” One of the teachers said, before they all looked away again.
Lestrade’s phone bleeped.
“On my way- SH”
Lestrade looked up at the woman who guided them across, “One of my colleges is on his way. When he gets here, could you please guide him across?”
The woman nodded before heading back to the main entrance. Beside Lestrade, Anderson spoke, “Who did you text?”
Lestrade replied, “Does it matter?” his voice was filled with authority. Anderson may have been recently promoted but Lestrade still out ranked him.
The pair stood in silence, staring at Sapphire. They were worried about her mental state after finding a dead body. Lestrade wanted her guardian to hurry up so he could question her, so she could go home as quickly as possible and before Sherlock got there. One of the teachers looked up and sighed, “Ahh, Sapphire’s guardian is here.”
Lestrade and Anderson turned to look at the man. But the person he saw confused him, “I am sorry but this is my college. There must be some mistake.” Lestrade said.
Beside him Anderson muttered to himself, “Doesn’t tell me he wasn’t dead. Shame the world was such a better place without the psychopath.”
Sherlock smiled, “Well Lestrade on this occasion I am both, because you see I am Sapphire’s legal guardian.”
On the opposite side of the room Lestrade’s and Anderson’s jaws dropped.