Status: Tell me what you think...


Sitting there with the cold cement under my feet and the strong wind blowing my hair everywhere… Rain splashing against my already soaked jeans, grabbing my shoes and jacket slipped my mind. Who could blame me though right? I just saw my Mother her once lushes brown hair now gray and messy, her lips chapped and her eyes empty sitting in the hospital bed, starring out the window. She didn’t even remember who I was which scared me beyond belief.
Leaning against the railing of the bridge I tried to catch my breath the rushing water under me growling and thrashing. Tears streamed down my cheeks, and my eyes started to burn. Cars buzzed behind me, people screaming and talking to one another. Standing I climbed up the railing and stared down at the water, balancing myself. Taking a deep breath I looked up and let go. Falling in the cold ice water, everything disappeared.