Status: Slowly, but surely...

Your Surrender

Just got dumped. He cheated on me for five months of our relationship. I can't believe I fell for a guy like that.

That's it.

If a guy wants me, the best way to see if he'll stick around is to put him through a bunch of my bull shit. If he stays, he's a keeper. If he doesn't, then at least I wouldn't of wasted THAT much time on him.

Yeah. That's the best way to go....right? I guess we'll see.

Wish me luck ;)

xoxoxo - Amberlee.


New city. Just arrived right when the school year ends. Oh well, I'll manage.
Met a girl already. She's feisty. Saw her crying in her moms office at the building dad works at. Tried to ask her whats wrong, but I guess I came off a little creepy. I don't know if she's always like that, but to hell with it. I think she's my new project.

- Micha.
  1. Rude Introduction.
    Creepers and Cry babies.
  2. Unplanned Meeting.
    Revenge with Dances.
  3. Revenge and Play Things
    Regrets Waiting For Tomorrow.