Status: If you're not a McFly fan,you don't like vampires,you don't like stories that are unrealistic and your offended by sexual references and the occasional use of bad language then this is not the story for you..

Through My Eyes

Late Night.

chapter 2 : It was five to seven and all three of us were in our bedroom excitedly putting the finishing touches onto our outfits and makeup. 
“We’ve got our boys to impress” Emma Whispered looking in the mirror.

The Moment we set foot in the party hall I felt like the whole world had gone quiet. I knew that of course it hadn't but I just felt the vibe we'd brought into the room. Everyone and I mean everyone was staring at us. Just then we looked up and spotted our Mcfly boys in the middle of the floor, they were talking to a big of girls but when they looked up and saw us their eyes widened and their jaws dropped. COMPLETELY ignoring the girls they were chatting to they walked over smoothly, this time Danny was with them. My voice fell down my throat as they stood and stared at us.
 “oh wow” Harry stumbled, delighted. 
“‘whoa you guys look amazin' specially you Em” Tom Complimented. 
“oh um your Emma? Mate he hasn’t stopped talking about you all day!” Danny announced.
 “Shut up” 
Tom elbowed looking over at Emma for approval, Emma Blushed and looked away.

Dougie was one the end of the row, Zoe was on the end on our row too, and he was staring straight at her. Suddenly Harry clicked his fingers in front of Dougie's Face and sniggered. Dougie shook his head. He looked Zoe up and down just like Harry had done to me. Then he smiled at her showing shinning white teeth, edging closer to her. 
“C’mon” He said possessively taking her waist. 
“Let’s go have a good time.” Zoe was speechless, I was speechless too. 
He lead her further and further into the party. She looked back at us grinning broadly and giving us the thumbs up signal.

Emma and Tom were standing opposite each other.
“Well that's them sorted then!”
 Tom beamed making a pouty face at Emma and putting his arm out for her. Emma who was playing with the ends of her hair giggled and slipped her arm through,they walked away together.

And now it was just me and Harry, Danny had already left with his girl.
“You look Gorgeous!” He grinned,stepping closer to me.
 “Well so do you!” I replied. 
He looked down and chuckled to himself, then he took me by the hand and lead me behind him. I put my other hand on my heart, it was beating so loud and so fast I was worried he could hear it! He went and sat down on a huge chair surrounding himself by lots of people, Looked more like a thrown to me.He patted his legs.I went down and sat on his lap. We were there for quite a while and were so close together. I loved being with him and I knew that I was the envy of plenty of other girls in the room. He put his hand on my back and I put my arm round his shoulder and kissed him lightly on the forehead. He ran his finger down my neck it was strange he had doing that a lot. But I didn't care.

Eventually we got up from his “thrown”. I looked round the room swiftly. In one corner I spotted Zoe and Dougie on the floor next to each other...and they were as close as ever. Dougie had his arm round her and Zoe had her head pressed against his chest with her arms wrapped round his waste. Dougie patted his cheek and Zoe kissed it gently, She smiled up at him, I’d never seen her so happy.I glanced round to the next corner, and there they were: Tom and Emma arms round each other kissing like there was no tomorrow. I noticed one of Tom's hand sliding from Emma's Waste down to her bum...She didn't mind though she just carried on kissing him.
 “tehe” I jeered quietly to myself. 
I knew she would mind that.

Me and Harry walked over to the bar together, hand in hand.
 “I love every minute of this!”
 I thought. We sat on the high stools about 2 inches away from each other now and about to kiss when the guys behind the bar taps me on the shoulder.
 “Hey Love” spoke his welsh accent. 
I ignored him and looked back at Harry. ‘Look we're out of this!’ 
He said again shoving an empty WKD bottle in my hand. I noticed Harry was glaring at him and he didn't look Happy.
“ and your telling me this because?”
“Could you go to the food storage cupboard and get some more.. I'd go me self but I got all these to serve”
 he pointed out looking behind him at whole row of people.
 “OH yeah but I was just about to..” 
I began pointing at Harry. 
“Yeah Yeah I know thanks chick”
he winked patting me on the back, guiding me in the right direction.

He got me round eventually. 
“OH all right” 
I moaned unwillingly 
plodding off to the cupboard. I could still here the sound of the music coming from behind me as I shivered down the cold and dark outdoors alley way. 
“Stupid barman.” I wined. 
I looked up at the clear night sky as I hummed an old Mcfly tune to myself. This was just about the time I looked behind and noticed Harry following me I smiled and carried on walking. When finally I got to the walk-in cupboard he followed me in there and shut us in. I put the bottle down sighing a deep sigh of relief. 
“No more distractions” he said
 giving me a cheeky grin. He took my waist pressed me up against the door and kissed me, I kissed back. Then he took my waist coat off. We finally moved away from each other breathless.
 “hmm your amazing” He gasped. 
I was blinking fast I didn’t want to miss even one second of him. I said nothing.
“do you trust me?” he asked
 “What, harry I?..” 
“Do you trust me?” 
he repeated his voice more firm this time.
 “I do.” 
And that was it knocked a toolbox of the higher ledge next to us and sat me up on there. He leaned into my neck giving it a few gentle strokes before he made his move. He suddenly got closer to it, so close I could feel his breathing. And this Time my arms fell and my eyes flickered I thought he was just gonna kiss it or give me a Hickey but no.My eyes were dropping more and more I could just about see him staring up at me still on my neck. Then I felt a sharp piercing pain then...then I was out.

It felt like I was only out for a few seconds but when I came to the light had been turned out, The loud thumping of the music had stopped and Harry was gone. and he'd left me on my own drowsy on the floor. When I sat up I noticed my hair had been taken down. I looked down at my hands, they were paper white and freezing cold, so was the rest of my skin. 

“That party finishes at 11 and it's all quiet?!”I thought. 
I took my phone out of my pocket, it said 12.36.
I didn't feel quite myself. I found a small compact mirror on the floor, lifted it up to my neck. Yep he'd given me a Hickey all right. A big round blob of patchy red and pink, I noticed my neck was also stained with dry blood, there was blood on the floor where I had been lying and blood spatters all over the wall. I ran my index finger across my teeth. When I got about half way I stopped, there was a gap of about four other teeth and then I stopped again. I felt them both they were, sharp and pointy and triangular...They had to be fangs. Then a horrible thought struck my mind...