Status: in progress (Slowly)

Between Two Beginnings

Chapter 2

Sorry I haven’t uploaded this story I lost the notebook it was in and just found it so I hope you enjoy this story.

Chapter 2

Kevin’s POV

I walked into the lunch room scanning the crowd looking for Sophia when my eyes landed on Zayne. He was sitting with a group of his friends if that’s what you could call them. Everyone says he doesn’t have any “real” friends.

Apparently he isn’t close to anyone; he shuts everyone out and acts like an asshole so no one will get close to him. I found Sophia and sat down still looking over at Zayne. I wanted to know why he was like that he was so cold to everyone.

“Do you like him?” She said in a quiet voice looking at me.

“Huh? Ummm he’s hot but I don’t know if I like him.” I shrugged my shoulders and looked at her.

“Oh ok.” She looked down at her food.

“You ok?” I asked looking at her worried.

She smiled brightly “Yeah I’m fine.”

She went back to eating and I looked over to see Zayne glaring at me. As soon as I looked at him he turned away to talk to one of the guys at his table. I made a face and turned back to talk to Sophia so I wouldn’t look weird staring at him.

“So… how long has he been like that?” I said gesturing towards Zayne really curious.

“As long as I can remember.” She said glancing at him “he just all of a sudden turned into an asshole.”

“Maybe he has problems and is taking them out on everyone else?” I said trying to find a solution.

“Well it’s not like anyone can get close enough to find out.” She said.

“Well I’m going to.” I said determined

I got up and walked out as the bell rang for the end of lunch. I walked to my locker and grabbed my books for the last three classes of the day. I walked into the gym walking into the locker room and hoping I didn’t have to deal with any crap.

Zayne’s POV

I looked over and saw Kevin looking over here so I glared and turned away talking to Drake.

“So you here the new kids bi?” Drake asked.

“Yeah I heard and it’s disgusting.” I spat glaring at the table

“Dude what’s your problem with gay people?”

“It’s none of your business.” I said glaring at him

I looked over and saw him get up and walk out as the bell rang. I got up and walked out walking towards the gymnasium stopping at my locker on the way. I walked in and headed towards the locker room I walked in heading for my group, I turned to my locker and I saw Kevin a couple lockers away.

God dammit why did he have to be in this class I glared at my locker and slipped off my shirt slipping on my gym shirt and changed into my shorts. I saw him take off his shirt and I stopped myself from staring at him. What the hell was wrong with me I liked girls not guys. I took a deep breath and looked over at him.

“What the hell are you doing in here? Girls change in the girls locker room.” I sneered.

He glared at me “I’m still a guy I have all male parts I just like both sexes.” He said

“So you still shouldn’t be here I don’t want checked out by a guy.” I said disgusted but in all honesty I wouldn’t mind.”

“You should take it as a compliment that you can attract both sexes.” He slammed his locker and walked out.

I was about to go after him but drake help me back. “Dude it’s not worth it.” I shoved him away and walked out. I walked over and sat on the bleachers waiting for the teacher to give instructions. I hated that kid and I was going to make his life hell.

Kevin’s POV

After I walked out of the locker room I just sat on the bleachers. Why did he hate me so much? I mean I know he was homophobic but I mean come on that was ridiculous. I looked over at him he looked ready to hurt someone. He looked at me glared and turned away so I just looked straight ahead ignoring him.

“Hi!” I looked over and there was a bleach blonde girl sitting next to me.

“Umm hi?” I said

“You are so adorable you and me would make the best couple!” she said smiling.

“Ummm I’m sorry but no.” I turned away from her looking at Zayne again.

“What?” she said in a disbelieving tone.


“No one says no to me” she said her voice raising a few octaves.

I scooted away from her as people started to stare and that included Zayne and his friends. Thank god the teacher came in and she stomped away towards her friends.

“Ok class today the girls are running on the track guys can choose to run or play football.”

I got up and walked outside with everyone else I chose to play football even though I wasn’t really good at it. We teamed up into two groups of six Zayne was on one team while I was on the other. Everything was going perfectly fine until I got the ball. I started running and then I was tackled face first into the ground.

“Guess you like the bottom huh?” Zayne sneered

I groaned and tried to push him off but he was too heavy so I snapped “What the fuck!”

“What don’t you like this position?”

“You tell me you’re the one on top of me” I snapped and one of his friends pulled him off me. I got up and turned and glared at him as he pulled away from his friends.

“What the hell is your problem!” I yelled

“You’re my problem!” he said getting in my face.

“That’s enough! Both of you to my office now!” the coach yelled

We glared at each other and started walking inside to the coach’s office. We kept bumping into each other on the way as we sat in his office and the coach walked in behind us.

“Ok I don’t know what’s going on but there will be no fighting in my class understood?”

We both mumbled under out breath

“Are we clear!”

“Yes sir!” we said and I was the first to leave changing and walking out of the gym. I hoped the rest of the day was better than it has been.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey ok here is chapter 2 so please comment your input means a lot to me
-Love Sam