Only We Know

first glance

Picking at the edge of the long desk that fit across the large room, I listened absentmindedly to my best mate, Nathan, drone on about the hot, upper class girls and how he was so happy that he decided to go to college. I nodded when needed and put in my two cents every now and then, but my eyes never left the wooden desk. Nate has always been like a brother to me, but his insistent talk about girls was beginning to make me irate. Fortunately someone felt sorry for me and Nate stopped his ramblings mid sentence.

Knitting my dark eyebrows together, I turned my gaze to Nate who's eyes were trained on the door with the corners of his mouth turned up into a sly smile. I knew that it had to be a girl just from the look on his obvious face so I shook my head much like how my mother would when she caught me eating sweets before dinner.

Slightly curious, I followed his gaze down the aisles of the room to the front of the room. It was a slim girl with her brunette hair pulled up into a messy bun with a pencil protruding from the bundle of brown. From the distance I couldn't make out what color eyes she held behind her red, horn-rimmed glasses, but I knew they were dark. Her pale yellow cardigan looked to be two sizes too big against her small frame, but the white camisole and dark skinny jeans she wore seemed to fit snug from what I could tell. Overall she was okay; a bit too skinny for my liking, but from what I could tell of her profile she had a nice, soft face that made her seem more like freshman in high school rather than college.

Her tan loafers made small noises as she made her way across the first aisle before sliding into a seat close to the window and pulling out a white mac from her messenger bag, completely oblivious to the stares that she was getting.

"Do you think she's a virgin?" Nate whispered to me, bringing my attention back to him. You could seen in his blue eyes that he would be enthralled to find the girl sexually innocent. I simply shrugged before glancing in the direction of the person of interest. "Your guess is as good as mine," I stated not really interested in whether or not the girl had been deflowered.

She must have felt our eyes on her back, because she angled her head towards us. I finally was able to see her face fully and was not disappointed; she really did have a pretty face. Nate must have been thinking the same thing, because I could see from the corner of my eye that he had waved and probably added in his signature smile that had made the girls crazy at our old high school.

Apparently, she was quite appalled by the gesture and gave Nate one of the most intense glares I had ever witnessed. Her eyes had narrowed into slits and her cupid bow lips were drawn into a thin line while the skin on the bridge of her nose crinkled, causing her glasses to move just an inch. Satisfied with her job she flicked her head back to face the front.

Closing my mouth that must have fallen open by surprise, I turned to find Nate in sorry state. His eyes were as wide as possible and his mouth hung open. I lightly touched his shoulder, "You a'right?" He simply shook his head probably still in shock over the fact that the such a pretty girl had given him the best death glare he had ever seen. We didn't speak again till after the professor leisurely walked into the room even though he was ten minutes late to his own class.

"I think she's still a virgin," Nate whispered to me before facing the front. It took all my strength not burst out laughing.
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Well this is my first story here, so yay! I'm not extremely proud of this chapter and it's rather unappealing, but I promise it'll get better. Also it would be super mathematical if you all give me some feedback and tell me if I made any grammar or spelling mistakes.