Status: Finished.

If Only...

Chapter One.

I wish he was here. In this state, this town, this room. With me. I wish I had met him in person, not just on the internet. I wish he felt the same way about me that I feel about him. I just wish that he loved me. If he loved me, I would be happy. If he loved me, it would all be okay. I just know it.

This is the wish I make every day. In the morning, at night. This is always my 11:11 wish, and it has been for the past month. But wishes don't come true, I suppose. If they did, he would be mine. He would be here, and we would be in love. So happy together. But obviously, that didn't happen. Wishes are just that, what we wish would happen. Stupid dreams that don't ever come true.


"Marianna? I'm home, dear." my mom calls, closing the door.

I nod, looking up from my laptop, "Hey, mom."

I turn my attention back to my computer, where I am logging onto Mibba, hoping to have a message from him. I grin, seeing that I do.

Kit Cloudkicker
It's snowing here. Save me, Mari! I'm freezing to death! Hey, that reminds me. You. Need to give me your number. You have no choice. You're gonna give me your number, I'll text you, then you'll have my number and I won't have to strain my arms carrying an oh-so heavy laptop every time I want to talk to you. Okay? Okay.

I find myself laughing way too much. He does that to me. Then I smile widely when I realize that he wants -demands- my number.

I start to reply.
Aw, I'm sorry, Kay. Go get a blanket, maybe? Duh. Uh, okay... my number is 407-865-2234. (:
I make sure I don’t have any annoying typos and press send. God, I'm awkward when talking to him. He probably hates me. I don't know why he wanted my number.

Then I begin to worry. What if he doesn't text me? It's been two minutes and I'm already sitting here like an idiot waiting for my phone to vibrate and "All My Heart" by Sleeping With Sirens to play. With my lack of friends, that doesn't happen much. I mean, it doesn't really matter anyway unless it's him...


"Hey, Mar?" I hear, which breaks me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, mom?"

"Can you go get your sisters from Raven's house? I told them I would pick them up about 12:30, but I'm cooking lunch now." She hands me the keys as I nod.

I get in the car, start it and plug my phone into the stereo so my favorite music will play. I'm loudly singing along to "27" by Fall Out Boy when I pull up to my sisters' friend's house. I turn off the car, go to the house and ring the doorbell.

"Hey Carah, Jaylyn." I hug my nine-year-old identical twin sisters then thank Raven's mom for letting them stay.

Once back in the car, I play the music more quietly so I can talk to my baby sisters.
"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah!" They exclaim in unison.

I pull up at the house and grab my phone as the girls race to the door. I glance at my phone and notice I have a text. I forgot that I had it turned down..
It's from a number I don't recognize, 918-815-9681.

Heey Mar. It's Kamden, from Mibba!

I chuckle, saving his number under the name 'Kamden!♥' and begin to type a reply to his message.

Hey, Kam. :3 What's up?

I feel a raindrop hit me and remember that I haven't yet gone inside. Yep, I'm smart. I slip my phone into my pocket and skip into my house.

"Where were you, Marianna?" asks my mother.

"I was just outside."

"Oh. Well, here, have lunch."

"Thanks." I take my bowl of spaghetti and go up to my room, texting Kamden.
♠ ♠ ♠
The numbers I used are random, and I don't think they belong to anyone. So yeah. More chapters soon and all. The story will probably only be about 5 or so chapters long.
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