Status: Active

My Saving Grace

Part Ten

It was complete and utter chaos. Steve and I had returned to the ballroom to find that a battalion of drones was laying siege to our party. Clint and Natasha were working on getting the guests out while Tony was making quick work of a small portion of the drones, having put on the Iron Man suit already.

I began firing at will, taking out another section of the robots rather quickly. Once my brother and Natasha had all of the guests out of harm’s way, they too pulled out handguns and started firing. Was I the only one that hadn’t thought to bring a weapon?

“Shit. I’m empty!” I called when I heard the hollow clicking that followed the pull of my trigger.

I dodged the beam of whatever weapons the robots were using and caught the loaded clip that Steve tossed to me. He hadn’t strayed far from me since we had re-entered the ballroom. I tossed the empty clip and slammed the new one home before firing again.

It seemed like we weren’t even making a dent and I was almost empty again. I knew that Steve wasn’t packing enough ammo for this job.

“Guys, we’ve got a problem!” Clint called over the chaotic sounds of gunfire and the metallic clanging of the drones.

He wasn’t lying. And I was right, we weren’t making a dent. The drones were rebuilding themselves seconds after being gunned down.

“”You’ve got to disconnect the head!” Tony yelled, demonstrating.

“Hand to hand it is then.” I muttered to myself, tossing my empty weapon to the ground.

I was definitely over dressed for this occasion. I pulled at the smooth fabric of my dress, ripping it until it was halfway up my thighs. Moving in a shorter dress was much easier. I pulled the heels from my feet and tossed them aside as well.

Dismantling the drones was easier said than done. It would have been a lot easier if I had had my blades on me, but they were 35 floors up, hiding in my closet.

“Steve, if you can get a good shot in, I can get them while they’re down!” I ordered.

He nodded and began shooting. Every time a robot fell, I pounced, ripping it’s head from it’s body. Across the room, Clint and Natasha were carrying on in a similar fashion. Tony was blasting the bots and then dismembering them.

“Well that was certainly a fun way to end the night, wasn’t it?” Tony said once we were done and he had flipped his mask up. “And I’m going to have to remodel this building again.” He sighed, shaking his head.

I rolled my eyes, making my way over to Natasha and my brother. I passed my hands over the small cuts and scrapes scattered across Natasha’s body, healing them, before doing the same for my brother.

By the time that was done, I was out of breath and my legs were shaking. I was suddenly dizzy and made a grab for anything to hold myself up but there was nothing. A pair of arms caught me just before I fell and I looked up only to be met with those azure eyes and that strong jaw.

Steve looked concerned, and I tried to brush him off and stand on my own, but he held on to me tighter.

“Amanda, are you alright?” He demanded, and my brother was at my side too.

“Yeah. Just tired.” I croaked. “I’ll be fine.”


“I said I’ll be fine!” I barked, shoving Steve away and walking away.

I felt four pairs of eyes watching me as I left with my head held high. I didn’t need their pity. I wasn’t weak.


“Must have been quite the party.” Bruce commented, walking around the lab table. “I’m sorry I missed it.”

“It was probably for the best that you weren’t there.” I admitted. “The Other Guy, I mean… No offense.”

“None taken.” He chuckled, bending to examine the headless robot that lay on the table before him.

He had been studying the robot for the better part of an hour now but I hadn’t been able to glean anything from the thoughtful noises he made now and then.

“So what do you think?” I asked curiously. “What are they powered by? What kind of weapons are they using?”

“To be honest, the energy signature is nearly an exact replica to that of the Tesseract.” Bruce sighed, pulling off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. “Small traces of gamma radiation but a huge energy output.”

“Wait, so this guy has access to it?”

We had just sent the Tesseract back to Asgard with Thor and Loki a mere two months earlier and it was already threatening us again? I thought of what the power of the Tesseract had done to my brother. I shivered, in the wrong hands, it was a deadly weapon.


I sat in the small medical containment room, watching, seemingly emotionless, as my brother thrashed against the bonds that held him. His muscles were thrown into harsh relief in the dim lighting as he strained for freedom. When it became apparent that there was no end to his struggling, I stood and prepared another dose of a mild sedative.

There had been moments since Natasha had busted him over the head, in which my brother had seemed to be coming back into himself. But then whatever monster Loki had unleashed inside him was there, writhing for freedom and taking over his mind again.

I quickly slid the needle under his skin and pushed the plunger, injecting the sedative into his system. After a few seconds, his head rolled to the side and his muscles relaxed. He groaned and rolled his head to the other side, peering up at me.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered.

“What did he do to you?” I asked, ignoring his apology.

I hoped that whatever monster might still be inside him didn’t hear the tremble in my voice. The fact that my brother, as quick witted and strong as he was, could be overpowered by the prick of a septre, was terrifying to me. What did that mean for the rest of us.

“It was like he pulled me out and put something else in. It was sick. I knew what I was doing but I couldn’t stop myself.” He paused, looking angry. “I’m sorry.” He repeated, glaring at the gash on my arm.

I had narrowly dodged an arrow he had aimed at me. The medics had quickly stopped the bleeding and stitched it up.

“He unmade me. No man should ever be able to control another person like that.”

I agreed with him on that. But Loki wasn’t a normal man, and the Tesseract had to be removed from our planet.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if any of you were trying to read this when I deleted it. I accidentally posted it twice and then Mibba deleted both instead of just the second.
So this part was kind of awkward, I feel like I'm horrible at writing action sequences, but it was mostly just a filler so meh. More Steve in the next one, I promise.
Thank you to every single one of my readers, commenters, subs, and recs. You guys keep me motivated and keep this story alive.
Let me know what you think of this :)
Part eleven will be up sometime Saturday or Sunday.