Status: Active

My Saving Grace

Part Fifteen

“Hey Bruce, wanna see my new trick?” I asked, strolling into the lab and leaning over the counter.

He glanced up and then did a double take.

“Why are you suited up?” He asked cautiously, removing his glasses to eye me curiously.

I was indeed dressed in my S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform, with a sword across my back, multiple holsters, and some knives hidden on my person.

“I asked if you want to see my new trick.” I said, ignoring his question.

“Uh, sure.” He shrugged, preparing to turn back to his work.

I reached out for his arm to show him my new talent but he jerked away, jumpy as ever. I blamed Tony for that one, poking poor Bruce with sharp objects at random moments had put him on edge around all of us.

“I’m not going to hurt you. Just give me your hand.” I requested, holding my hand out to him, palm up.

He hesitated before placing his hand in mine. I smiled at him before focusing my efforts on creating a connection between his hand and mine. I felt a small pulse pass between our hands, and then we were invisible.

“Wow. That’s pretty cool.” Bruce’s disembodied voice claimed.

I pulled my hand away and he became visible again. I let go of the tingling feeling that covered my skin any time I used my power and because visible again as well.

“I figured it out when I was sparring with Steve the other day. I was trying to make myself disappear and he grabbed me just as I was sending it out. It cloaked him too.” I shrugged, leaning back against the counter again.

“So why are you suited up?” Bruce asked again, redirecting me to my earlier question.

“I’m going out there. Whether Fury thinks so or not, they need me out there. They’re going to need you too.” I informed him bluntly.

“Amanda.” He sighed, reaching up and pinching the bridge of his nose. “You know I still can’t guarantee that I won’t be a liability.”

“Bruce, we all trust you. I just have this feeling. I just know they’re going to need us before the day is over.” I argued, my voice growing harsh with worry for our friends.

“Well how are we going to get there?”

“I can fly a jet.”

“But how are we going to get out to a jet without anyone seeing us?”

“Seriously, Bruce? I thought you were a genius or something! I showed you my new trick for a reason.”

We made our way as quietly as possible through the carrier, Bruce clutching onto my elbow to keep himself invisible. When we met another agent, we would press ourselves up against the wall, holding our breath until they passed. Our destination was a jet on the top deck.

We finally made it to the deck, we jogged over to the closest plane we could find and climbed in. Luckily it was one of Tony’s prototypes for a new quinjet, so I knew it would be fast. The others had left hours earlier for the nation’s capitol.

“What do you need me to do?” Bruce asked, plopping down in the co-pilot seat as I flipped some switches, preparing us for take off.

“I need you to sit there, strap in, and be quiet.” I ordered, easing our aircraft around when it was finally ready to go.

As our jet rolled down the runway, Fury’s voice rang out over the PA system.

“Nighthawk, you are NOT clear for takeoff. I repeat, you are NOT clear for takeoff!” He yelled, causing me to roll my eyes.

“Sorry director, there’s no way I’m sitting this one out.” I replied before cutting off our communications system.

“Are you sure this is the best idea?” Bruce questioned timidly from the seat next to me as I accelerated off the runway and over the ocean.

“Don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet.” I grumbled, setting our GPS for Washington, D.C.

I became irritated when he just shrugged, and started grumbling to myself. This was going to be a long flight.


When we finally arrived in D.C. a couple hours later it was to find devistation. However, I was relieved to see that the destruction hadn’t reached the heart of the city yet. Most of the monuments and governmental buildings seemed mostly intact. I only hoped that our friends had been able to evacuate the citizens before Prothmore’s drones had arrived.

“What do you think?” I asked Bruce, circling an area of heavy activity.

Peering out of the cockpit, I could see Steve tossing several of the drones around like ragdolls. They seemed to be a bit bigger than the last time I had encountered them.

“I’m going out there. You do as much as you can from up here.” He suggested, unbuckling his safety harness and moving to lower the rear hatch. “Amanda, be careful.” He advised.

The last I saw of him, he was a giant green blur hurtling to the green.

I slid my earpiece into place and took a deep breath.

“Steve, what do you need from me?” I asked, hovering over the cluster of fighting.

“Amanda? What the hell are you doing here?!” He yelled, and his sentiments were echoed by our comrades.

“There was no way I was missing this.” I admonished. “Now what do you need from me?” I repeated.

“You and Tony shoot these guys down. It stuns them long enough for us to decapitate them.” He instructed, his voice was shallow from exertion.

I peered down at him from my cockpit and would see him holding his side. I worried about how badly he was hurt and if his healing factor was working efficiently enough for him to continue.

“Do you need me to help heal you?” I asked, not bothering to hide my worry.

“No, I’ll be fine.” He grunted, dismissing me as he swung his shield to knock a small group of drones back. “Just get the job done.”

I did as I was told and began firing at will on the drones, knocking them down one by one. But anytime one of them fell, at least one other was in its place instantly. Despite their numbers, we were still able to keep our enemies from making any progress towards the center of the city.

Eventually, my jet was shot down and I was forced to land. I quickly made my way out of the craft and into the rubble strewn street.

“Amanda, behind you!” Steve yelled. “Duck!”

I turned to see a group of four drones advancing on me rapidly. I ducked as I was told and felt Steve’s shield ruffle my hair as it passed overhead. With a clang, the shield knocked the drones onto their backs. I quickly pounced, ripping off their heads so that they stopped functioning.

Steve and I continued on for close to thirty minutes before I was finally knocked down by one of the drones. I scrabbled with it for a moment before I heard the whirring of Tony’s repulsors and the drone was blasted to the side. Steve had its head in his hand before I could even think about moving.

“Thanks.” I panted, allowing Steve to help me to my feet.

“I’ve got Prothmore!” Thor shouted through our earpieces.

“Contact Fury, let him know!” I shouted, ducking as Steve aimed him shield for a drone behind me. “Don’t let him get away.”

While I was overjoyed that Thor had captured our villain, there was still a fight to be won here in the streets of our nation’s capitol.


I knew that voice well, it was my brother.

“Clint, you good?” I questioned, plunging one of my blades into the back of a drone so that Steve could twist it’s head off.

“I’m hit.” He gasped, his breathing labored.

It was like everything stopped around me. The sounds of our battle were cushioned by the rushing of my blood through my veins, the thumping of my heartbeat in my ears. Not my brother. I could handle anything but losing my brother.

“Tony!” I shouted, whirling around and looking towards the skies for my iron-clad friend. “I need a lift!”

“Amanda, there’s nothing you can do.” Steve reprimanded, reaching for my arm.

Before he could reach me, Tony had already scooped me up and was carrying me towards the roof top from which Clint had been shooting down the drones with his marksmanship skills.

“Amanda, no!” Steve called after me.

“I have to. I can save him!”

Tony dropped my gently onto the rooftop and I quickly fell to my brother’s side. There was blood on his chest and he was coughing, struggling to breathe.

“Amanda, no.” Clint rasped, trying to push me away.

His hands were already so cold. I felt tears dripping off my chin but I ignored them.

“I’m so proud of you, sis.” He breathed, reaching up to wipe my tears off my cheek. “Let Steve take care of you, he cares about you.”

“No! You’re not leaving me.” I sobbed, pressing my hands to the large wound on his chest.

“Amanda, stop.” He demanded weakly.

I ignored him and just concentrated on pushing the warmth through my body and into him. My heartbeat was thudding dully in my ears again, nearly drowning out the sound of Steve pleading me to stop. My hands were tingling and my body was going numb. My vision was blurry as I fought to keep my eyes open.

“Amanda, you idiot.” Steve said from somewhere nearby.

I was suddenly aware that he was holding me in him arms, cradling me to his chest. I felt new moisture on my face and was surprised to see him crying.


“Don’t.” He choked out, cutting me off. “Please. Don’t leave.” He pleaded, holding me tighter.

I shook my head weakly from side to side before slipping into darkness.
♠ ♠ ♠
But never fear, there will be a sequel. But I'm not sure how long it will take me to get it started.
In the mean time, go check out my Jeremy Renner fic.
So how did you guys like this? I want to know how you liked this update in particular (especially the very end), as well as the story as a whole.
Thank you to everyone that has been with me since the beginning, it's been a long few months but this is finally finished. I am so proud of this story and would just really like to know how you guys feel about this. I love you all.