Status: Active

My Saving Grace

Part Three

“Sir, I think you should see this.” Agent Hill suggested to Nick Fury.

Fury rose from the paperwork scattered on his desk and followed Hill towards the sick bay.

“How is she?” He asked, referring to Agent Amanda Barton.
“Well that’s just it, sir.” Agent Hill hesitated before continuing. “She’s fine, perfectly fine.” She finished, gesturing through the large window they had halted in front of.

On the other side of the glass, Amanda Barton was sitting with her legs dangling over the side of a hospital bed, swinging her feet idly as a medic examined her.

“It would seem we missed something in our initial assessment.” Fury muttered, furrowing his brow.

“Should I put in an order for blood work, sir?” Hill questioned.

“No. She’ll take care of that for us.”

--Amanda’s POV-

“Amazing.” Bruce muttered, focusing the lenses on the telescope.

Dr. Bruce Banner was also known as The Hulk, who was also known as The Other Guy, The Big Guy, or if it was Tony, The Jolly Green Giant. And he was currently studying a sample of my blood.

“I wonder how Xavier missed it.” I mused, pricking my finger for the umpteenth time and watching the small wound slowly close over.

“Some abilities don’t surface until the time of need.” Bruce shrugged, stepping away from his telescope.

“Well I’d definitely call being shot clean through twice a time of need.” Tony scoffed from the other side of the desk where he was trying to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D.’s confidential files again.

I ignored him and contemplated the needle I held between my fingers.

“I wonder…You don’t think?...” I was speaking cryptically but Bruce knew what I was trying to say.

“I don’t know if it works that way.” He supplied, shaking his head.

“May I?” I asked hopefully, stepping forward, needle extended.

“The other guy says no.” He said, shaking his head.

The chances of him losing control over a pin prick was slim to none but I knew he was always extra careful.

“Tony!” I drawled, walking around the desk to stand next to him.

“Ow!” He bawled when I stabbed the back of his hand with my needle.

“Oh shut up, you drama queen. Let me see it.” I commanded, grabbing his hand and pulling it towards me.

I placed my palm over his bleeding skin and concentrated hard on making the bleeding stop. I felt a small pulse and quickly pulled my hand away to see the skin was whole again.

“Hm. Neat trick.” Tony shrugged, turning back to hacking the system.

After messing around and pricking Tony a few more times for my own entertainment, I decided to leave the lab for the night. When I walked through the door, the Captain was leaning against the opposite wall. He looked up when the door closed behind me and stepped away from the wall.

“Can I help you?” I asked curiously.

“I…I uh…I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I went to the sick bay and you weren’t there.” He stammered, blushing deeply.

“Right, well. It seems I’ve also inherited some healing powers. So, thanks for your concern Captain but I-“

“Steve. Please, just call me Steve.” He said, smiling nervously.

“Right. I suppose I could. You did call me Amanda before I was shot.” I stated. “I was surprised.”

“Funny. I was actually trying to prevent you being shot.” He chuckled, falling into step with me as I headed to my room.

Strangely enough, I found I didn’t mind that he was walking with me.

“From now on, just don’t yell at me when I’m being shot at.” I reprimanded jokingly.

“I have to apologize. I actually underestimated you.” He said apologetically as we reached my door.

“And I you, Ca- Steve. Old habits die hard.” I grinned. “Have a good night.” I said, stepping through into my room.

“You too, Amanda.”

--Tony’s POV-

“Oh that poor, innocent man.” I sighed, cradling my chin in my hand and watching through the glass door in amusement as Steve stood talking to Amanda.

“What?” Bruce questioned, looking up from his telescope.

“She’ll crush him like a bug.” I chuckled.

I was surprised when Steve smiled down at my friend and they turned to walk down the hall together.

“Oh yeah. He looks positively crushed.” Bruce smirked, turning back to his research.

--Amanda’s POV-

I checked my phone after I was done with my shower and had crawled into bed to find a text message from Tony.

'How was that moonlit walk with the Captain?'

I sighed and rolled my eyes, smiling at my friend. Tony and I would always only be friends, but he insisted on acting the part of the overly jealous schoolboy.

'My walk with STEVE was fine, thank you.'

I chuckled to myself before turning my phone on silent and rolling over, snuggling into the covers.
If I was honest with myself, I had to admit that Steve Rogers wasn’t as bad as I had originally thought. And he wasn’t that hard to look at either.

I closed my eyes, ready for sleep. But behind my lids, all I could see were the smooth planes of his jaw, the side swept blonde hair, and his sapphire orbs. His classic handsomeness.

I grumbled and cursed at myself. This could not be happening.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I SWEAR the fourth part will be longer. I already have it halfway written and it's wayyyy longer than this part already.
Please comment so I know what you're thinking of this. Even if it just says love it or hate it :)