Status: Active

My Saving Grace

Part Seven

“What’s this?” Tony questioned when I entered his penthouse apartment.

His calloused fingers lightly rubbed the undersides of my eyelids. I knew my eyes were rimmed with red, an artifact of the night I had spent crying.

“Rough night?” He asked, and I knew he was assuming I was hung over.

“You could say that.” I muttered hoarsely, moving to sit on the couch.

“Amanda, really. What’s wrong?” He demanded, sitting down next to me.

“I tried, Tony. I tried to let him in, but…” I hesitated. “I’m scared.” I whispered.

I had never admitted that out loud to anyone. Amanda Barton did not get scared. It was just a simple fact that I was fearless anytime we went on a mission. But when it came to romance, I was a downright coward.

I continued to tell Tony about the conversation Steve and I had had at his bedside, of our embrace on the balcony, the dance we had shared in my kitchen a mere four floors below where we were sitting.

And I told him about the almost kiss that we could have shared if I hadn’t been a spineless coward.

“He’s done everything right, but all I’ve done is push him away.”

--Steve’s POV-

If there was one thing I hated about being a super soldier, it was my inability to get drunk. After Amanda had rejected me, all I wanted to do was go out to the closest bar and get so drunk I couldn’t even remember her name. But my efforts were wasted. I went to bed sober and after what seemed like hours, finally fell into a fitful sleep.

I kept running over everything that happened last night in my head, like a movie reel. I kept rewinding it and watching it over and over, trying to find my mistake. But I was sure I had done everything right.

I sighed and drug a hand down my face as I slouched at my kitchen table. The coffee in front of me wasn’t helping my mood any and brooding over it certainly wasn’t getting me anywhere either. I needed advice.

“Christ, you look your age for once.” Tony said when I knocked on his door and Jarvis let me in.

I ignored the jibe at my age and sat down at the full length bar, propping my head in my hands.

“Ok, you look like a puppy with parvo. What’s the matter with you?” He sighed, moving behind the bar and pouring me a scotch.

I took a sip of the amber liquid before answering him and flinched at the burning sensation in my throat.

“I almost kissed Amanda last night.” I muttered, glaring at the glass in my hands.

“Almost?” Tony prompted.

I nodded, feeling hurt all over again at the thought of her rejecting me.

“She told me.” He said after I had been quiet for a moment.

I looked up at him and he wore a look of pity. I hated it when people pitied me. It reminded me too much of who I used to be.

“Cap, you have to understand something about Amanda. She’s afraid to admit that she’s scared.”

“Of what?” I questioned furrowing my brows together. “If she’s worried that I’ll hurt her somehow… I would never do that.” I continued earnestly.

“It’s not herself getting hurt she’s worried about. The girl’s been an assassin all her life. There are people that would hurt you in order to get to her.” He explained.

“She’s worried about me getting hurt?” I asked in disbelief. “Me?”

“I know. Hard to believe anything could get through that thick head of yours.”

I chuckled, my mood suddenly lighter. This was an easy fix. As simple as telling her I wasn’t worried about getting hurt. For Christ’s sake, I was Captain America.

--Amanda’s POV-

I smiled sadly, shaking my head as I looked down into my mug of hot chocolate. I was currently leaning back against the rail of my apartment’s private balcony with Steve standing opposite me.

“It’s not that simple, Steve.” I sighed. “I wish it was, but it just isn’t.”

“And why not, Amanda? Give me one good reason why.” He demanded, and for the first time I heard anger in his voice.

I looked up and studied his face carefully. His chiseled jaw was clenched and his face was red.

I turned and leaned my elbows on the rail, staring out at the magnificent New York City before finally beginning to explain myself.

“I had a boyfriend once. We dated for a couple of years and everything was perfect. But one night I came home to find our apartment wrecked and on the counter there was a note. I ransom note. Clint and I tried to save him, but by the time we found him, it was too late.” I turned to face Steve as I tried to keep myself from crying. “He was killed by the accomplice of one of my targets. He killed Dan to get revenge. An eye for an eye, he said.”

I drew in a shaky breath and took a sip of my hot chocolate to give myself a few seconds to calm down before continuing.

“After Dan, I promised myself that I would never compromise anyone’s safety like that ever again. And I don’t intend to break that promise.” I finished defiantly.

“Amanda, you realize who I am, right?” Steve retorted and I was surprised to see a small smile on his face. “I’m a super hero. I don’t care about all of those supposed bad guys out there to get you. I can handle it.”

In two quick strides he was in front of me. He took my mug from my hands and placed in on the rail beside us. I looked down as his hands closed over my own, knowing that if I met his eyes, I would lose my composure.

“Amanda, look at me.” Steve demanded.

When I didn’t obey, he tipped my head up by the chin and held it there. I finally met his azure eyes and felt my knees go weak. He gripped my shoulders gently and smiled down at me.

“I’m not scared. And you shouldn’t be either. Just please, give me a chance.” He pleaded quietly.

I allowed a small smile and a quick nod. Steve’s smile grew and his brawny arms engulfed me in a hug. After a moment, he pulled back and his eyes locked onto mine, searching. I cupped my face in his hands and dipped his head down, gently pressing his lips to mine.

It was not an intense kiss, and he didn’t press for more. He simply caressed my lips with his own before pulling away. His cerulean eyes found mine again and he smiled down at me. We were both left breathless and blushing. This was ridiculous, I felt like I was in middle school all over again.

Ten minutes and as many sweet, small kisses later, I had finally bade Steve goodbye at my front door. He would be returning for dinner tonight.

I leant against the closed door, grinning like an idiot and still fighting for my breath when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw a message from Tony.

‘Funny thing, architecture. Did you know I can see your balcony from mine?’
♠ ♠ ♠
Not as long as the last one, but c'mon. Two in one day?! This means you guys should comment and tell me what you think! :D
And for those of you that don't know, parvo is this virus that puppies get and basically they get the shits and die. But they're lethargic and depressed for a few days. Yeah, I used to be a vet student, sue me.
IMPORTANT!! Would you guys like for the next chapter to be Steve coming over for dinner? Also, any ideas you guys have for this story on how to make it better, please let me know :)