Status: Active

My Saving Grace

Part Nine

“Do I have to go to this thing?” I whined, trudging through the penthouse behind Tony.

It had been nearly a month since Steve had come over for dinner. I had been avoiding him as much as possible. Only speaking to him if necessary, which wasn’t often since we had only been called in to headquarters twice. There was still no word on Prothmore, and there had been no more activity from his drones.

“Yes, Amanda, you have to go.” Tony sighed.

I knew he was annoyed with me. He had informed me more than once that I had been insufferable over the past month. Clint had told me the same thing. But I had told them both about the night Steve had come over and both were understanding of my current mood, if not a bit pissed off at the culprit.

Clint had even offered to shoot him in the ass, which had elicited a giggle from me.

“But you know I hate these kinds of things.”

Tony was hosting a benefit party of some sort later that night and I was being forced to go. And I wasn’t happy about it at all.

“Amanda.” Tony scolded, turning to me with a reprimanding look.

“Alright, fine. I’ll go. But don’t expect me to be happy about it.” I grumbled.

“There’s my favorite ray of sunshine.” Tony cooed playfully, kissing my cheek before pushing me towards the door. “I’ll see you at six.”


I entered the second floor ballroom and glanced around before accepting a flute of champagne from a tray held out to me by an attendant.

“Oh my, don’t you look ravishing.” Tony commented, suddenly at my side with his own glass. “Hoping to impress someone?”

I shook my head and took a sip of the bubbly liquid to save myself from having to answer. Although he was right, I was more dressed up than I normally would be. I wore a red silk, floor length dress with a plunging neckline. The dress hugged the curves of my hips and had a slit that revealed nearly my whole right leg when I took a step. The dress pooled around a pair of unseen, black and strappy Jimmy Choo heels. I had also taken the liberty of applying makeup and donning jewelry for the occasion.

“You never get this dolled up for my events.” He pondered.

“Don’t you have a girlfriend to dance with?” I snapped playfully.

“Away on business, at the house in Malibu for the rest of the week.”

“Shame. I was hoping you could bug her tonight instead of me.”

Tony placed a hand over his heart as though hurt and took my glass from me just as I was about to take another drink. He set both of our flutes on a passing tray, despite my protests.

“Sorry. Guess you’ll have to suffice.” He sighed, leading me onto the dance floor, where over half of the other guests were dancing.

We danced with my arms around his neck and his hands on my hips, differently than how I danced with Steve. Over the past month, I hadn’t been able to keep him out of my head. I kept wondering if it really was Peggy that had gotten to him that night, or if it was something I had done.

“He’s here, don’t worry. I invited him.” Tony said quietly as we continued turning.

I hadn’t realized I had been searching the large room for a certain pair of sapphire eyes and a chiseled jaw.

“Who?” I asked, deciding to play stupid.

Tony scoffed and smirked at me, not buying my act for a second.

“The Capsicle is moping in the corner.” He reiterated, turning me so I could see the corner he was talking about.

Steve was indeed brooding over something as he sat a table with only a flute of champagne for company. He was completely unaware of the group of tittering women seated at the next table over, shooting him covert glances and giggling to each other.

I rolled my eyes in disgust and Tony chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” I demanded, glaring at him.

“You. You just can’t admit how badly you want to forgive him.”

“Please. He’s the one that left my apartment that night. He’s obviously not interested.” It was my turn to scoff as I rolled my eyes to the ceiling again.

“Oh right, right. And the fact that he’s been moping around looking like a chubby kid with no cake since that night is a total coincidence.” Tony prompted.

“Look. I’m not in the guy’s head, so-“

“Exactly! You don’t have any clue what he’s thinking.” Tony exclaimed, interrupting me.

“Oh, and you do?”

We had stopped dancing and people were starting to stare as our voices grew louder. I stepped back from him, shoving his hands off of my hips as I went.

“Yeah, actually I do. When you both come running to me like I’m Mr. Fix It!”

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know talking to my so-called friend about my problems was such a hassle for you.” I spat, my voice low.

“Amanda, I didn’t mean it like that.” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Oh fuck off, Tony. If it’s not about you, it’s not worth it right?” I growled, crossing my arms. “Whatever. You’re pathetic, and arrogant. And your ego’s so big, I don’t even know how your guests have enough room to breathe.”

I turned on my heel and left the ballroom. The room was totally silent and I was very aware of all of the eyes following me as I marched out of the room onto the balcony, which was mercifully empty.
I braced myself against the railing, looking up and taking a deep breath. I felt tears sting my eyes but I pushed them back. I was sick of crying. It made me feel weak.

“That was some spat you had in there.” Clint commented, joining me at the rail.

“Yeah well. He’s been on my case for a month now.” I sighed. “He had it coming.”

“Amanda. Don’t push Tony away. He only wants you to be happy.”

“Well he has a funny way of showing it.” I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

“Does he? All he’s been doing is encouraging you to do something that will make you happy.” My brother insisted, gripping my shoulder and turning me to face him. “Steve can make you happy Amanda, give him a chance.”

“I gave him a chance.” I whispered, knowing that if I spoke any louder, my voice would crack.

“People make mistakes, sis. Nobody’s perfect.” He allowed a small smile before continuing. “Throw the guy a bone. He’s been acting all depressed and shit all month. It’s kinda getting annoying.”

I sighed and wrapped my arms around my brother, who returned the gesture. My brother was my rock. He was always there for me and he always had my back, whether it was on a mission or with personal problems, I knew I could always count on him.

“We just want you to be happy, Am.” He whispered, kissing the top of my head before pulling away.

He smiled at me one last time before walking across the large balcony and stepping back inside. I watched him go, but turned back to the rail when I noticed Steve standing just inside the door.

“Amanda. I’m truly sorry.” He said quietly.

I took a deep breath and stared down at my hands that were gripping the metal rail of the balcony. My knuckles were white but I couldn’t bring myself to let go of the rail. Steve’s hand covered mine and I was surprised. I hadn’t even heard him cross the balcony.

I looked up at him, but he wasn’t looking at me. He was looking up at what was visible of the night sky between the tall buildings of New York City. He looked very handsome in his old style Army formals. The suit accentuated his large build and made his shoulders look even broader than they really were.

“I’m sorry.” He repeated, glancing over at me. “I’m sorry about that night, and I’m sorry I caused you to fight with Tony.” He sighed as his eyes met mine.

Before I could reply, there were screams and gunshots from inside. We both turned to peer inside and I cursed myself for not bringing a gun. Steve pulled a gun out of the inside of his jacket and handed it to me before pulling out a second and cocking it, heading inside.

Our most important conversation was going to have to wait.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, so this part ended awkwardly but whatever. I was going to try to write part ten and post it later today. But it's not raining and the beach calls my name.
I love you all so much :) Please comment and let me know what you think.

And go read this while you're at it. Because I love her and she's amazing and because PHIIIIIIILLLLL!!!

Oh, and I've made a layout finally. A shitty one at that. But it's better than nothing and I made it in like five minutes. Haha.