Status: Has been put on hold. Be back in 1-2 weeks writing new story check it out if you want

The Gemini

Chapter Three

"How are we going to find her if she is lost in time?" Christie followed The Doctor out of the shop.

"I have something," The Doctor smiled standing in front of a blue police box.

"Where is it?" Christie sounded genuinely interested.

The Doctor's smile grew as he snapped his fingers. Christie's face became a mask of excitement and pure curiosity. She stood in the middle of a giant control room with buttons that were gathered around a clear plastic-like tube on a metallic table.

"That's..." She stepped out to see that there was only a small wooden box, "...not..." she moved into the box to see the vast area.

"Possible," The Doctor finished Christie's thought for her.

"Is this another dimension?" Christie asked.

"You know your stuff," The Doctor smiled then he muttered, "I like it when they say it is bigger on the inside."

"I've been around, and I also have very excellent hearing."

The Doctor went pale for a second before going to the controls. Christie's feet almost came out from under her when the machine began to shake.

"What do you call it?" Christie asked, holding onto the railing for support.

"She is my TARDIS."

"What kind of name is that?"

"Oi, and it is Time And Relative Dimension In Space."


There was a breathing like noise and a loud bang that rung through the TARDIS. The Doctor turned around from his controls and gestured for Christie to open the door.

"What is out there?" Christie asked moving toward the door.

"Let's find out," his goofy smile came back.

Christie took the handle of the door, her hand shaking a little, and pulled open the door. She gasped and couldn't believe her eyes.

"This isn't possible," Christie began to giggle in pure giddy to herself. The Doctor followed her outside into the brand new (old) world.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was watching The Doctor The Widow and The Wardrobe as I wrote this, so it is less about the twins but they are coming soon.

Again last chapter was to set up that there would be