The Awakening: Chronicles


Tonight I met these new Half-bloods. Quite the peculiar bunch really. I always found it odd how these rag-tag renegade covens run around destroying the rest of their race. It is so stupid. Almost an eternity of life and you spend it squabbling. It seems they can't solve a single, simple situation without senselessly slaughtering each other.

But alas, it is I who provides these weapons of terror and destruction, which might prompt the question Sedren, if you do not approve of such violence then why deal weapons to both parties? The answer is simple... yet complex... simply complex yet in a simple way, allow me to explain. I chose to spend my life building my arms empire. Throughout history my weapons have been involved in the greatest conflicts both man and vampire have ever seen. Now I simply choose to deal on a more private level, but I digress. My weapons are tools, either of salvation or destruction, that is decided by the user. My weapons do not think, they do not feel, they do not love, they do not hate. They are simply the means to an end. Sadly, they are usually the means to the end of someones life, but again, it is not my choice.

Yet there is another part of me that gate's these members of my race! They focus so much on the purity of their blood that they forget who they really are. I refuse to identify with either side! I absolutely refuse!