I am Beautiful with you

Chapter One

Chapter One:
Zack and Zina Baker are running around the playground at the park while Maria Baker and Kim Sanders look after them. The other two little ones, Sheila Baker and Matt Sanders, are playing in the sand box together. These two families have always been very close and would do anything for each other. Zina is about 7 years old while Zack, Sheila and Matt are all 5.

Sheila and Matt have always had a special relationship with one another ever since they were babies. Whenever one of their mothers would watch both of them at the same time they would always sleep next to each other in the crib and Matt would always have his hand on Sheila’s. Both families thought it was just the cutest thing but they never guessed that this was the start of a beautiful love story.

Matt gets out of the sand box and picks a rose from a bush. He comes back and hands it to Sheila.

Sheila: tank you Mattie

Matt: welcome pretty She

They both smiled at each other as Sheila smelled of the rose.

Matt: put here*takes rose and sticks it behind Sheila’s ear*

Sheila giggled as he tucked the rose behind her ear. Matt might have only been 5 years old but he had a special place for Sheila in his little heart.

Maria: c’mon kidos we got to get going!

All the kids gathered to go home as Matt grabs Sheila’s hand to walk with her. They smiled hand in hand all the way home.
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I promise this story will get better