Status: In Progress

Alpha & Hunter

The Storm

Romania, 1662

Rain cried across the windows of the cottage as the storm raged outside. Lighting streaked across the swollen clouds and illuminated the horizon. The booming voice of thunder echoed afterwards, willing the wind to intensify.

"Gabriel! Du-te afara la hambar!"


The young man wrapped a cloak tightly around himself before forcing his way into the driving rain. He jogged swiftly to the barn, nearly slipping in the mud-bogged earth beneath him. The rain instantly soaked him to the bone, raven hair plastered to his forehead. When he finally reached the barn, he latched the door tightly behind him. The walls of the barn trembled and sighed with each gust, threatening to splinter. The mare at the back of the stable whinnied and cried, pawing the ground frantically.

"Calmează-te, calmează-te," He murmured in the animal's ear, resting a firm hand on her neck.

Another crack of thunder broke across the sky and the mare shrieked, the white of her eyes milky in the dim light. He felt his grip on the animal loosen as an invisible hand threw him to the ground. The air escaped from his lung and his heart slammed against his ribs in rush of panic. Rolling onto his side he struggled to his knees; at that moment a white-hot pain rocketed through his neck and down the length of his spine. He fought against the agony but something held him in place with an iron grip.

The metallic tinge of blood stained the air and the young man's head swam with nauseous vertigo. The atmosphere had become muffled, with sounds and shapes blurring out of focus. The storm in his head matched that of the thunder outside.

Darkness swallowed him.