‹ Prequel: My Nightmare

Help Me Find My Way

Andrea and Jimmy Jr. have been joined by a younger brother Dakota. To those outside and even most inside the Avenged family it seems that the Sanders family has been significantly blessed. To those in the Sanders family it is very apparent that everything is not so blessed. As much as Andy tries she can't seem to quite except Matt as her father even though she knows that he isn't trying to replace Jimmy she just can't seem to bring herself to let him in her heart as her father. Her inability to accept him tears at the family harmony threatening to drive a deep wedge in an otherwise happy domestic situation. What will happen when Andy realizes before the rest of the family that Kathy is pregnant again? Will she be able to find it in her heart to help her mother through a dangerous pregnancy? Will she be able to accept Matt as her father for the sake of her family?

**Disclaimer: I do not own any of the famous people who appear in the story or their works but I do own Andy and all other original characters as well as the plot line! Please do not steal.