Status: These story's I write are here to entertain you and to bring smiles onto your pretty faces....enjoy:)

Best Friends...It's What You Promised?

Is that a hint of jealousy I see?

We finally got home and I had fallen asleep on Nick. I thought they were going to wake me up, but I felt someone pick me up outta of the jeep. They didn't feel like my brothers arms so I opened my eyes alittle and saw Nick, but I was too tired to do anything. I felt horrible and light headed. 10 mins later I felt him lay me down on my bed and I didn't feel the lights hit my face anymore so I just went to sleep.
morning came quicker then I thought, but I didn't feel like getting up. A couple minutes later I heard my door open . I heard footsteps and someone puting their hand on my face. I slowly open my eyes. "Hey cuteness you still feel sick?. Kevin asks." Yeah, I said. my head hurts. I said" i slowly got up and rubbed my eyes what time is it I asked. "11 am, Kevin said." I looked up at him can I have a friend over? I asked. "Yeah, I don't mind at all. he said smiling" I suddenly felt all better Thanks brother I said. I got up and reached for my phone. I looked thought my contacts and click my best friends name: Dahvie Vanity. "I texted him. Hey! do you want to spend the night?" A few minutes later I got a text back. "Yeah sure! I'll be there in a few minutes." I texted back."Just come in the house you don't have to knock alright. I texted" a few minutes later I got another text saying alright. I went down stairs and sat on the couch I saw Joe, and Nick in the kitchen. Nick was putting on his shoes "What you doing Nick? I asked, Cant you hangout with me today?" putting on my best puppy dog eyes. "he looks at me and just smiles. I can't hangout today cuteness... I'm going back to the studio then I'm going to Miley's for a bit. He said as he stood up to get a water bottle from the fridge." I frowned. But looked down and slumped into my chair. all of a sudden I heard my front door open. I turned my head and saw Dahvie coming through the door. "Dahvie!!! I yelled, as I jumped out of my seat and ran to him and tacked hugged him." he didn't see me coming and we both fell down. "jeez Sarah he said laughing, can't you ever give a normal hug? I look up and saw Joe and Kevin smiling at me. "all of a sudden I heard Dog pile!! And heard running toward us. Dahvie and I both looked up and saw Joe jumping on us. "OWWW! Joesph!! I yelled." All of a sudden I heard footsteps coming from downstairs steps. I looked up and saw Nick staring at us with a confused expression. I looked into Nicks eyes and I swore I thought I saw jealousy run through them for a split second. I push Joe off of me and stood up. "bye Nick. I said" I walked over to him and hugged him." he hugged me back and then I let go. I looked at Joe and he was wided eyed. He looked at me and then I knew it... He saw it too....
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Sorry it's short and a cliffhanger x.X but but I updated lol :) i will try and posed as much as I can. I been lacking and I will improve I promise. I just been training for this physical for the army and I have to run 2 miles in 18 mins in over 104 degrees it's going to sucks! "the good news is." I will be getting up @ 5 am everyday to train so I will have more time to write later on. Sounds good? Lol love Sarah xoxo ps. I should put up either 2 or 3 chapters up today. So be ready!!!! O.O