Status: These story's I write are here to entertain you and to bring smiles onto your pretty faces....enjoy:)

Best Friends...It's What You Promised?

Charity concert...

"Cuteness??? Why are you wearing a dress? Kevin asked." You look like a girl??? joe said. "I raised my eyebrow at him, really now? I said." Joe smiled, You look so cute shortness. "Yes, Very adorable Kevin said." Well thanks guys, But you can't forget jessy over here. "How could we forget her? joe said smiling." Jessy looked at him ad a tint of blush went acrossed her face. "I looked around, Hey where's Nick? I asked." He told us to meet him there. Kevin said. "Oh, Okay, Well let's hit the road. I said." I picked up the guitar case and walked out the front door. "Here let me help you Kevin said." Be careful that guitar is special. I said. "Yeah, Sarah made a beautiful song off of it. Jessy said." Joe and Kevin looked at me and were confused. "When did you make a song? joe asked." Last night I said, Jessy an I made it, But I did most of the lyrics. she just helped with the idea, some lyrics, and the beat. "Well, We can't wait to hear it. joe said." 30 mins past and we were finally at the charity concert. so many people where here. "Right this way cuteness. Kevin said." He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the stage. "She would like to sing a song Kevin said to the announcer." The guy looked down at me and smiled, Well sure what's your name? He asked. "My name is Sarah. I said." alright, I'll call your name up once it's your turn. He said. "I just nod, and grab Kevin's hand and lead him toward Joe and jessy." So? When are you going on? jessy asked. "When he calls my name I said." she nods and looks at the stage. "Hello people on earth!! the announcer shouted into the microphone." everyone clapped and hollard. "I'd like to thank you for being out here tonight, Now please give a warm welcome to Blood on the Dace floor!!! He yelled. As he ran off stage." Woooo, Dahvie & Jay!!!! jessy and I screamed. "We danced around to their new album."Evolution." it was so amazing." 20 mins of another bands playing. Nicks name was called up. "Woooo Nick!!! Jessy, joe, Kevin, And I yelled." Nick sung a new song called."who I am." It was incredible. "As he sing the song, It's like he was looking for us." Joe I yelled, over the screaming people. "Joe looked at me and nodded like he knew what I wanted, He lifts me up onto his shoulders." I look at the stage and waved like crazy. "nick noticed me and was wided eyes on what he saw." I thought he was going to mess up, But luckily he stayed on track. "after Nick's song was over, joe gently lifted me down." Yo Sarah, Some guy randomly said. "I looked at him like what? I said." It's your turn to get on stage. he said as he walked back talking into his microphone on his ear. "I looked at Jessy and nodded." Jessy gave me a thumbs up. "I slowly made my way to the end of the stage." Arnt these beautiful musicians just amazing? The announcer yelled through the mic. "Well, Give it up to the last Singer of the night....Give a warm welcome to Sarah!!! He Yelled." I slowly made my way onto the stage and sat down on the panio. "Hello! I said, This song is for someone really amazing." I hope you love it."

finally after I sang everyone went crazy!! My ears felt like they were bleeding. I looked out in the crowed and saw Joe, Jessy, And Kevin's mouth wide open. I smiled, an got up and walked off the stage." the announcer came on stage, Wasn't she amazing???? "Well thank you for all coming. we made a lot of donations..... hope to see you again next year goodbye!!!" Finally the place started to get less crowded and I finally met up with my peeps. "Cuteness!!! you were so amazing. Kevin said, as he hugged me." Very amazing joe said, as he hugged me too. "Magnificent!!! jessy said all hyper!" I smiled, But looked around and didn't see Nick around anywhere." Kevin knew I was looking for Nick and he tapped my shoulder and pointed behind me. "I turned around and saw Nick coming toward us." Hey guys, Nick said, Do you think I can take Shortness home? "They all just nod and walked away." I looked at jessy and she mouthed goodluck and turned around and walked with the guys. "I picked up my guitar case and looked at Nick." Nick looked at me for a moment, But grabbed it from my hands and led me toward his car. "We got into the car and started driving off, But we weren't heading home, Because home was left not right." Where are we going? I asked. "To the park, Nick said." 20 mins later we finally made it to the park. "we both got out and walked toward the swings, Nick had the guitar case in his hands." I sat down on the swings and looks at Nick. I was going to say something, But he cut me off. "Why do you have a guitar? He asked." I Uhh, I said. I got it for you. "he looked puzzled but started unlatching the latches of the case." He was wided eyed when he saw....
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Sorry cliffhanger! I am too tired to write anymore tonight... plus if i would of kept writing this chapter it would be like 2000 words long or more. "Well, goodnight. Love Sarah xoxo."
P.s, I hope there art too many spelling mistakes I was too tired to read it over.
P.s.s:! Credit for the beautiful talented Demi lovato for her wonderful song give your heart a break.<3 btw I know Nicks song who i am is not that new, But it fitted with my story