Status: These story's I write are here to entertain you and to bring smiles onto your pretty faces....enjoy:)

Best Friends...It's What You Promised?

The crazy accident

"Nicks point a view."
I ran out of the bus. "DUDE WHAT DID YOU DO TO SARAH!!! Kevin yelled at me." I didn't do nothing Miley kissed me and Sarah saw and now I'm screwed! I yelled back." Kevin sighed, well we got to find her so we can fix everything. He said. "alright we need to make groups. Kevin said." Nick My wife and I and you will go in a group. "Joe you and jessy go in a group, but do not go to far its going to be dark in 4 hours. Kevin said." joe scratches his forehead. "she couldn't have gone far right? Joe asked." right we all said in a union. "If we do not find her before dark will call the cops. Dannie said." we all nodded and splited up.

"Joes point a view."
Jessy and i were walking around some parts of the forest where Sarah was running toward. "Sarah where are you! I yelled." Jessy looked at me. "Babe what if she is hurt? Jessy asked scared." She is not hurt she is probably just asleep with her headphones in. I said. "we both walked over a huge log and started shouting her name again. "Sarah where are you! We both yelled in a union." 2 hours passed and still no luck. What is that Joe!! Jessy yelled running over to a shiny object. "it's her phone joe, but where is she??? Jessy said crying." I walked over to my beautiful girlfriend and hugged her. "it's okay jessy at lease we know we are close. I said rubbing her back.

"My point a view"
"Crap I'm lost where do I go its too dark to see Eghh!! I thought." I heard footsteps and freaked and stepped back fast, but slipped down a cliff and slid through the mud from the rain. "AHHHH!!! I screamed really loud."

Everyone's point a view now.
Sarah!! Jessy and Joe yelled in a union. They both ran toward my voice. "do you see her?? Joe asked." no it's too dark! Jessy said in panic. "Sarah can you hear us??? Joe yelled."
This is hopeless we"ll never find her!! Jessy said very frustrated as she paced back in forth, but all of a sudden slipped. "Ahhhh!!! Jessy screamed going down the muddy cliff hill and slid and tripped over a root and falling face first into mud." Oww!! Jessy yelled as she held her ankle. "Jessy I whimpered... Is that you I asked scared." Omg Sarah I'm glad you are okay! Jessy said laying on the ground. "JOE I FOUND HER!!! Jessy hollard from down the cliff."

thank god joe said, you guys okay he yelled down the cliff. "I think so jessy said, but I think I broke my ankle. She said." you okay Sarah? Jessy asked. "yeah I'm fine. I said." I slowly got up and walked over to jessy voice. "I hugged her and she hugged me back." I'm going to get help!! Joe yelled as he ran off back to our bus. "we got to get up. jessy said." How you might of broke your ankle? I said. "I thought for a second." wait get on my back I said. "you crazy what if theres another cliff or something? Jessy said."

We have to get out of the rain and the watery mud! I said through the rain. "I grabbed Jessys hand and helped her up on her good foot." jump on! I yelled. "Jessy jumped with all her strength and got on my back." I started walking around for anything to shelter us. "If i had my phone we could of used my llittle flashlight on my phone app i have, but to bad i dropped my phone i said walking around." I have your phone jessy said opened my phone and turned on the app it was brighter and I could see alittle. "we walked around until it got really muddy and I slipped down another hill making me drop jessy have way and I slid all the way down and slamming my head on a tree.

"Sarah!!! Jessy screamed are you okay please get up!" I wouldn't get up I just layed there next to the tree I felt blood oosing out of my head and blacked out. "jessy saw my phone flash besided me someone was calling me." I got to reach her phone jessy said on pain. "she slid all the way down beside me and grabbed my phone." she picked it up and answered it. "KEVIN! She screamed into the phone." whats wrong??! What happened? Kevin asked in panic jeasy could hear him breathe heavy. "Sarah she's not waking up. Jessy said in sobs." Didnt we just hear that you guys were fine like 15 mins ago? Kevin said in panic. "She picked me up to get us out of the mud and rain, but slipped down another hill and hit her head hard on a tree and she's bleeding everywhere, I'm trying to stop it. Jessy sob harder gasping for air." We are on our way!! Kevin said. "stay with me on the phone please. Jessy said in panic." I wouldn't dare leave!!! Kevin yelled. "We need to get down there Sarah's bleeding and it won't stop!! Kevin yelled at the officers.". WHATS WRONG WITH SARAH!! jessy heard Nick yell in the background. "were almost there jessy, joes showing us where you guys are. Kevin said."

10 mins of panic conversations back in forth until Kevin said something. "Okay jessy we are at the cliff flash the phone light everywhere so we can find you. Kevin said." you have to go down the hill, there is another hill jessy said. "guys you have to go down the hill! Kevin yelled at the cops." let's move one of the cops said, as he tied one of the really long ropes around a huge tree. "like 3 cops went down the hill and had flashlights searching for the other hill until they found it." the cop moved the light all around the area and saw jessys light from the phone. "We found them! One of the cops hollard up the cliff."

The cop goes toward jessy and me. "the cop looks at jessy and picks her up and tugs his rope soon he was climbing up the muddy cliff and handing her to another guy and he went up the hill. "the guy went down And picked me up carried me up the hill. "when they were finally out of the forrest joe hugged jessy and he wouldn't let go." I'm so glad you are okay!! Joe said in tears. "Nick looked at jessy and saw the stained blood all over her."
Nicknsrarted freaking out. "Sarah please be okay he said in sobs."

Nick was looking down the hill waiting for me to show up, but when I did he ran over to the cop coming up the hill. "take her to the ambulance now she's in bad condition. The cop said as he handed me to another cop." the cop ran to the ambulance an nick ran after him. "Joe and Kevin picked jessy up and ran after them."

We need someone to come with us! The ambulence guy said. "Nick hopped in and turned toward us." meet us at the hospital. Nick said as they drove off." Kevin and joe carried jessy to the bus and headed for the hospital.....
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Here's another chapter I hope you like it. "love Sarah xoxo."