Status: These story's I write are here to entertain you and to bring smiles onto your pretty faces....enjoy:)

Best Friends...It's What You Promised?

Meeting the family

Past story: I waved and got startled by Mrs. Jonas voice "Sarah! She yelled as she hugged me. You gottin so big." I looked up and smiled. Hey I know I gained a few pounds, but I didn't know it was that notice able? I said laughing. "Boys get down here Sarah's here! Mrs. Jonas said as she went into the kitchen. i walked toward the kitchen and saw Kevin. I looked at him and opened my arms my my Looky here it's my Kevin. holy cow you gottin tall! "he laughed hard and hugged me. i missed you so much Sarah. he said." I missed you too I said hugging him back. All of a sudden I heard doors slam and heavy footsteps coming near the stairs. I looked up near the stairs under neith Kevin's arms. I saw Joe running down the stairs smiling hugely. "Dude your smile is creepy! I said" He pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "Ow! I said laughing" I squeezed hugged him back because I remembered the bet. "Ow! He said laughing "I laughed I guess it's a tie? I said" I guess so he said so what do we do about the bet? He said "Well, how about we both just get ice cream later? I suggested." He rolled his eyes you only suggest that because your wanting Icecream. "I grinned, well yeah? I said" Kevin smiled at me, by the way Sarah. we love your new looked. "Joe hugs me again "Yeah totally joe said. your a cute red head" I looked at him and a tint of red gazes over my cheeks. I finally heard two more pairs of feet coming from upstairs. I look up and see Frankie. "Sarah!!! Frankie yells, I missed you!" He ran right into my stomach and we both fell down and we both burst out laughing. Kevin helped us up and I heard footsteps coming down the stairs for the last time. I look up and see Nick. "Hey Sarah, I love your new look Nick said. he walks over to me and gives me a hug." I tightened my arms and sighed I missed you best friend. "I missed you too Sarah. He said." I heard two people smirking I looked up and saw Kevin and Joe grinning I rolled my eyes and pulled away from Nick. "So? I said, Who wants to be a kind angel and carry my stuff upstairs?" I will be glad to carry your stuff Nick said. He grabs my bag and walks upstairs. I followed him to my new room. He put my stuff on my bed and sat on my bed. "So, how was your flight? He asked." Hmm, I said it was pretty good I really don't remember it much consider the fact I was asleep the whole time." He laughed. I know what you mean, i fall asleep half the time. So do you need help unpacking? He asked. "oh, I said yeah that would be cool. I said" As we were unpacking I heard Kevin yelling from downstairs. "Hey Nick... Miley's here." I look up at Nick he walks over to me and hugs me I'll see you later okay? He said. "I just nod" He walks out of the room and goes down stairs. I finish unpacking and then walked out of my door and head downstairs. I walk down the steps and see a girl with Nick she was hugging him like crazy. all of a sudden I hear a high pitch voice saying Who's this Nicky?
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finally the Jonas are here :D And all to the Miley fans Im not a hater, but she is a perfect person for my snooty girl, but she is awesome tho. P.S I know she's getting married, but she's just going to be in here for a short while. Comment and all that other stuff love Sarah xoxo